Chapter XLIII: Baen Fior (Cont. II)

“We’ve come to take her back,” Blackheart said.

Baen leaned towards the group, his eyes flaring with anger, “She is mine. Let her go and leave this place…”

“I’m afraid we can’t do that,” Blackheart said, getting ready to battle, “Because I don’t think she wants to stay with you.”

Baen smirked, “Oh..she will soon enough. But I shall not try and dissuade you from your suicide…..come….bring all that you have!” Baen leapt backwards through the air, landing with a great crack and spiralling around–his final movement of flair. His head rose up, white hair fallen down over his fiery, blood red eyes. The smirk on his face was no longer the old one filled with malice, but one of true madness. His sword crackled through the air, fire and lightning trailing every single sweep of it as he stood ready for battle. He took in his eight enemies with interest, waiting for them to strike.

Blackheart glanced at the others, all were now on their feet, though most were unsure of whether to strike. He glanced forward again and swallowed, he would have to lead yet again. Baen’s eyes gravitated immediately to him as the thought flowed into his head. “Then come, rogue,” Baen hissed.

“Read my thoughts if you like, demon, but my sword will still taste your skin.”

Baen smirked, “Strong words and quite eloquent for an orphan raised by those stinking Vasu.”

Blackheart could not endure the insult, “You insult my kin!” Blackheart lunged, swinging down with rage. It was of no use. Baen’s sword streaked up, lightning crackling all around him as he batted Blackheart’s swing aside and caught him with his iron fist, the blow crashing into Blackheart’s gut and doubling him over. Baen’s fist drew back and then struck again, this time in the rogue’s jaw, the crackling lightning surrounding Blackheart and lifting him off his feet, sending him sailing to the edge of the rocky battleground.

“Ha ha ha!” Baen’s laughter echoed through the great caverns. “Do you see what I am capable of? Do you see the folly in coming here to destroy me! Oh yes, you come to save your dear friend, a lot of good it will do when you are nothing more than the ash that magma stirs around.” Baen glanced around the remaining seven, “Whose next?”

West smirked and lit a cigarette, staring down Baen who made no sign of movement, just stared forward at the others. “Well, I suppose I’ll go next. But damn foolish charging one at a time. Folks, I say you all make your mends with the God’s you love and let’s charge this bastard.” West drew his blade and glanced about at the remaining lot. “Right then!”

The group lunged, the eight swarming Baen, their cries rising up as Baen brought around his staff and sword. He leapt with great speed, flying through the air for a great amount of time, lashing out with kicks and blows from both staff and sword. The two mercenaries were quickly sent reeling aside, Grail recovering far faster than the cursing Donovan. West was pushed back as Eza was swatted from the sky and Laura was hurled away, repulsed by the conflicting magical fields. This left Thyrus and Samden standing, both wielding their weapons with the speed and skill of the true warrior. Baen caught every single swing, leaping and dodging all the ones his sword and staff could not deflect quickly enough. He propelled himself back and forth, leaping and circling around the two as each span their sword and continued their brutal onslaught. All three looked like deadly whirlwinds fixed with the deadly weapons of the day. Finally, Baen was caught up by Thyrus, whose footsweep was unexpected. However, the battle did not turn then in the favor of the heroes, for as Baen fell, he hurled a bolt of fire that sent Samden reeling.

“Thyrus! GET OUT OF THERE!” West yelled, pulling himself to his feet as Thyrus continued to block and swing at Baen. The two danced back and forth across a narrow portion of the rocky ground as the two seemed never to get the upperhand. The two’s weapons locked for a moment as Baen brought himself face to face with Thyrus.

“You’re quite good, wizard…but you still cannot best me.”

“You’re quite a challege, Mr. Fior…. but good always prevails….scientific fact,” Thyrus said knowingly

“OH?” Baen brought his sword around, Thyrus’ pike blocking it just in time. Meanwhile, Baen’s staff-head was brought around and caught Thyrus in the back, sending him head-over-heels and to the ground. Thyrus rolled away as Baen brought his sword down, pulling himself up a distance away from Baen. “Come on then, warriors…..are you too weak to best me? Too afraid to fight again?”

“We’re not afraid of you!” West yelled as he brought his sword up, “Ready everyone? Second attack!”

The group lunged again. This time Baen was ready, leaping into the air and hurling a bolt of energy straight down, causing a blast that propelled him to the other side of the platform and hurled all the warriors to the ground, groaning at the pain of being shocked by dark magic. Baen smirked, “You see, heroes? Your goodness makes my magic do more damage to you…for evil stings the good far more than it stings the bad.” Baen’s eyes slowly drew towards Blackheart, who was trying desperately to wake Adelia. Baen stared at him for a moment, amusement filling his face. Samden lunged at the Watcher’s distracted moment, only to be hurled backwards through the air by a bolt of energy. “Oh, Blackheart…” Baen cooed.

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