Update on Life AKA If Anybody Cares

In a moment I’m putting up my next chapter….which is almost the end of my novel…*sniff* One day people will read it, I’m sure. Hopefully Amanda will find a computer and try, but I guess I’ll be an undiscovered genius for a while…or an undiscovered flop…I’d take either…;)

Anyway, here’s the rest of my entry.

Thanksgiving was good, a slight disaster with our turkey getting locked in the oven, but we figured everything out.

Saw Die Another Day two more times. Saw Spider-Man and Ice Age and Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings. Going to see Santa Clause 2 and review it, since it’s here at the cheapo theatre. The second Lord of the Rings comes out soon, whoopee!

Saw Rachel, that was fun. Have to wait awhile for Nancy to come back from Atlanta.

Got to get to work on papers and tests and exams for the final two weeks. I’m getting inducted in Alpha Psi Omega and I’m working on stuff for that too. That’s the theatre fraternity here. OH! I also have to rehearse for Irene Ryans with Rob….his piece is all right….though I don’t think it will win him partner piece awards. Anyway.

Getting ready for Christmas break and lactating over all the awesome PS2 games I could buy with my money and such. Excited about the script I’m going to be starting and the way my novel is going to end. Trust me, if you ever endure reading it, you’ll love it all! I’m so in love with my unread novel…;)

What else to talk about? Umm….oh yeah! I’ve found a bunch of good music….listen to these bands if you like soundtrack sort of stuff or hard metal:

30 Seconds to Mars: Oblivion is the best song I think.

E.S. Posthumus–these guys just rule. Check out Pompeii

White Stripes–Sympathy for the Music Industry isn’t a good album I guess, but the others are pretty good.

I’ve burned a bunch of crap onto CDs too and I guess you really didn’t know that. Oh well. Off to post my next chapter.

Whatever happened to the round-table writers? They’re all gone it seems.

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Sounds pretty good overall! :)Good luck with everything.

you certainly see alot of movies! i’m gonna try to catch up when i go visit home in a few day.

ryn: yeah, i honestly don’t know how to do action. i think i’d make a fool of myself. haha. and most of the book i’ve read don’t have a bunch of action until just after the climax and the end–and this is only a little over 100 pages, so i think i’m safe for awhile. it’s more a psychological journey than an acton journey, but i DO want to do those act. scenes convincingly. 🙂

and you’re a guy so of course you’d want action. haha. i’m just the opposite. less action as possible is good for me most of the time. i wanna know what’s going on in a characters head and why they make the choices they make, and want the plot to be realistic and believeable. like, ‘yeah, i could see myself reacting this way if i was in that position.’ it’s all stephen kings fault, not mine. hehe

I’m still here, it’s just hard to get to a computer, but I may be getting one for christmas from my aunt so maybe that’ll free up time to read it..;)~Amanda

I’ll fýnd the týme and rea the entýre story! ý really want to ýf ý can fýnd the begýnnýng cos there are tones of chapters!!! I wanna see Lord of the Rýngs!!! only 3 more weeks! seems lýek you are havýng tones of fun there, thats great see ya soon

I started to read your novel, but it was so long, I got discouraged and intimidated, lol, but I’ll eventually read the rest of it because I love your writing! Hey, at least Legends is going faster than CD =P Britt’s ending it…but it’s gonna take a long time to end cause No ONE posts -_- lol ~*Betsy*~