Chapter XLI: (Cont. III)

The voices continued to bark at one another as they planned their attack, but all the sound had died away from Laura’s ears. She had to concentrate now. She closed her eyes and began to wave her hands, chanting the Norothaneen chant. Long ago, the Norothaneen, a race of elven like healers, had spread the practices of magic in the nature of healing. Though there were few if any Norothaneen left alive, for they had very short lifespans, the practice had continued. It was all that Laura could think of as a possible chance for saving him. “Talueu imdanoska feredais feeano morbadienda.” She continued to chant the five words again and again, concentrating all her power on focusing on the wound, the magic of Baen’s blade rippling around her and trying to split her mind in two. It was incredibly strong….inhumanly so….and there were risks for doing this, but she ignored them. She had to save him….she loved him. It was a foolish thought to be having so early in their meeting….but there was an appeal there that she could not shake.

She continued to move her hands in circles, slowly, white sparks beginning to fizzle around her fingertips, this had never happened before. She opened her eyes slightly, half shocked. Standing upon Blackheart, her hands now linked with Laura’s, was Eza. She glanced up, her sparkling blue eyes flickering with magic and the power of thauma, “How?” It was all Laura could manage.

“Love, dear. I am a mother of faeries, I am the lover of the children and the protector of the weak. Born from love come my powers….and there is love in you.” Eza smiled, “I’m glad, my dear….I have been of little use thus far….but I might yet pull my own weight.” The tinkle in her voice had faded and it had become a melodious echo of power and wisdom. Eza smiled softly, and continued to guide Laura’s hands. “Now concentrate.”

Healer and fairy began to swirl their hands, Laura repeating her Norothaneen chant and Eza speaking in fairy, “Kyatanee kyaodo kamaree ro.” Over and over they repeated, their voices growing louder and louder, their magic rippling over the land and spilling out into the sand. White sparks began to flicker out from their fingers, from their robed sleeves, from their hair, and from every other place one could think. Light began to gather around them as love and good and light began to build together….and Laura saw….on the edge of the horizon….a flicker of red…and she smiled.

Thyrus glanced back as the hum and whistle of magic and the echo of the chants consumed all thought. His eyes lit with thought. His hand shot out to West and began to tug at the man’s uniform. “West! I have it!” The general turned around as the horde drew near, his eyes naturally brought up to Eza and Laura as they continued their chants. His eyes fell back to Thyrus who nodded, “Everyone get back near Laura and Eza!” Thyrus turned, dragging West along as the first of the horses crested the hill. West swung and took the leg out from under it, sending the figure crashing down into the sand. The others fell back, too, racing and clustering around Eza and Laura, the light around them slowly slithering out and encompassing more and more of the land.

“What the hell is this?” West glanced over at Thyrus.

“They’re using light and love magic to heal Blackheart, which is the exact opposite magic as that of the dark horde. If my suspicions are right, the two will negate each other and the darkness shall be removed by the light and the light shall fade due to the darkness!”

“That will kill Blackheart!” Laura glanced up, the light fading quickly as she spoke.

Thyrus wheeled around on her, “Concentrate and don’t think of that!” His words were commanding and forceful, driving Laura to immediately stare back down and begin the process again. Thyrus glanced sidelong towards West.

“Not bad at all,” West said with a smirk. “We’ll have to see about your other plan…” They watched as the horde crested the hill and began to gather, preparing for a full out attack.


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