Nancy Tech

Well hello all you readers!

Let me see, what shall I talk about this week?

A. No straight a’s this semester…I have an impossible class…I”m going to try, but boy is it unlikely.

B. Scapino opens tonight and our house is almost packed….woo! It’s going to be awesome.

C. They are dying my hair blonde for the show….talk about a wierd change…we’ll see what happens with it….I’m somewhat scared…but really excited…I like to change my look, even though I can’t unless I have a good excuse for my parents.

D. I found a g/f! Nancy Tech is our stage manager and she’s really cute. She’s a freshman and everybody thinks we’re going to be perfect for each other. Well, don’t give me too much congrats yet……I have to be careful that I don’t jinx these things ya know!

That’s really all I have to say…another chapter coming…and for all 0 of you who read my story…I’m approaching the end and the beginning of a new and very different genre of story.

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oh, the story is almost over? blonde hair? i don’t know about that. LOL as if i’ve seen you. ahah g/f. wow!

Good luck w/ the show! I hope things work out for you and Nancy, too. I’m glad things are going well for you.

I got my report card and I had straight A’s, so I’m happy. I hope you can get all A’s! Good luck with Nancy ^-^ Lol, I haven’t read any more of your story lately…maybe i’ll just start with your new one 😛 ~*Betsy*~

Congrats on the girlfriend, hope it works out for both of ya. While i can’t see you with blond hair, I don’t think it would bad, just different.

October 23, 2002

blond hair? hehe kewl…should be fun….your going to start a new story? yay! im going to try and read this current one…but im really behind,…and judging by the fact its almost done…im waaaaaaay behind…oh well cant wait for the new story 🙂 ~Ash

dont sweat it..if it looks bad u can dye it back and claim it was the productions fault…if not, then u can be like yeah my idea go me..anyhow..i get to wear fishnets and my slinky shirt so the play gives me an excuse to be slutty lol..anyhow..i think i got a d on my econ exam so i dont think the a’s are happenin for me either lol..i wont congrat u yet..just good luck u:)

oh…and for ur play…all I have to say is “DON’T SUCK!”..(sorry I just find break a leg trite and asking for a calamity besides:) I’m sure you’ll rock;)

Your gonna be a dumb blonde! Congrats! :o) I’m really happy to hear that you found someone! GO BRAD!

I tried to email you and my address book and thingy that lets me type in bradley and fills in the rest is down:( So what to do what to do? How bout you just use that private box I made and change the title so I know you were there and we can do it that way. Aight, off I go..library closes in an hour and it looks like a storm so I wanna be gone lol:)~Amanda

Congrats! It sounds as if everything is going so well for you. I really wish I could see you with blonde locks.

Wow!! This is weird I actually WAS a GOOD friend of Nancy’s, and was just checking out the website and I saw the thing on her. I was just wondering how things were going since you haven’t put anything on here about her lately, and I don’t know how to contact her right now. She’s a sexy bitch!!! Hold on to her because you will regret it if you don’t. Like I still do.