Stealing a Stolen Survey! Mwahah

This was stolen from quickspoon by Enchantment, so I stole it.

My name is: Brad

I may seem: Like a dork

But I am: But I’m really just an egotistical chauvenist.

People who know me think I: am a good guy, a little goofy, a little clutzy, but they all love me.

If you knew me you’d probably: Think I was both funny and ‘funny.’

Sometimes I feel: Lost and lonely.

I hate: I feel all alone in a crowded room of people who all know me and talk to me.

My days are pretty: Packed

Things I hate about other people are: When they whine, when they are impatient, and when they lose their tempers or beat on people

In the morning I: Wake up and go to class.

I like to sleep: a good eight hours

If I could be doing anything right now I would: Be having sex or writing a script or acting….but I have class in five minutes.

Money is: Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

One thing I wish I had is: Someone to hold close at night.

One thing I have that I wish I didn’t is: Class and homework.

All you need is: Love

All I need is: Success

If I had one wish it would be: That I made it in life, the way I hope to.

When I look in the mirror I see: A pretty good-looking guy, but I’m the minority.

Love is: really hard to find.

My body is: temple, abandoned and in the middle of nowhere.

If an angel flew into my window at night I would: Be pretty damn shocked.

If a demon flew into my window I would: Reach for my scissors and wonder how he got into my closed window.

If I could see one person right now it would be: My agent…;)

Something I want but I don’t really need is: My roommate’s computer turned on so I can use it’s high end visuals to do some stuff.

Something I need but I don’t really want is: A thump upside the head.

I live for: writing, love, and acting.

I dare you to: scream when you’re angry and tell nasty people off.

I am afraid of: failure.

It makes me angry that: I work so hard and do so much and this(what I’ve got right now) is my reward.

I dream about: Love.

Tata y’all! Gotta go to class.

Oh…and don’t waste your money on The Transporter….ouch….bad plot….I give it:

5/10 stars…if that.

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are you trying to say i have too many characters? lol i’m close to page 100 and i’m well within the legal limits set by S.K for point of view characters. lol ‘The Stand’ has way more characters than I have. I just love different point of views so much. i’d die if i had to use only one. 🙂 this story requires several pov’s. 🙂

and if one character stops talking to me, like in ch.6-F. i just switch to the next character, instead of getting writer’s block. 🙂

*scolds you* You haven’t left me a note at fantasy_forever for a LONG time….JUUUUUUUUUUUUST Playing 😛 I liked the survey ^^ ~*Betsy*~

Hi Brad! I’m doing a paper on “look Homewrd Angel” and i found it is actually an autobiographical novel by Thomas Wolfe. I thought you might be interested to hear Eugene was a real person, since you felt you could really relate. Check him out at Talk to you later! write me!

A new look! (Or maybe it’s old. I haven’t been here for a while.) I like it. I’m still calling the cops though. Survey stealer! Just because someone else stole it first doesn’t make it alright! 😉 Take care! Martin

I’m stealing! And I will take your advice on Transporter since you were right on Red Dragon!

thats a cool survey agaýn!!! seems lýke ý’m not the only one who needs at least 8 hours of sleep to survýve!!! see ya soon

i stole this too..but I think you may have seen it..My body is: temple, abandoned and in the middle of nowhere…sounds like me lol..

it’s me and im @ the library (still…god im a friend brad works here and i think im here as much as he is lol) anyhow..i picked up some prachett books but they only have like ten and none of the first ones so i hope they dont have to go in order…I’ve got Feet of Clay, Jingo and HogFather. Ok so I’m gonna go call my grandma nad get out of here since they close in an hour lol… me is Amanda..though u probably already guessed that;)

ryn: gee brad, you really haven’t read much, have you? it should be very clear where this is going. you should know why i had to introduce new characters. but that’s good that you’re confused. hopefully it will make you keep reading. haha. and i hope i can make it all believable, or at least entertaining. :)i have no idea of the ending yet, but i’m trying to build up to another ‘climax’.

i hope you noticed that chapter 6 tied up the first part of the book. michael finally talked to darlene, a few questions answered, a few powers revealed, and emily left town mysteriously-hmm, wonder where she went. and chapter 8 is weeks later. the person who came to dc, that Yaz felt should be obvious–hint. C! and the town she dreamed of, hint. P.C. 🙂 i sense danger and death there. 🙂