Gut Wound

Well hello again readers! It’s time for a little story that will make some of you laugh, some of you cry, and is guaranteed to win a Pulitzer if only somebody would read it! 😉

So I’m dead. I got killed by dumb luck. After toasting my first two targets and lasting to remain in the top ten, I set up my target with ingenuity. I called her and told her I was a reporter from the Student Voice(a newspaper here) and then proceeded to schedule a time to meet her.

Unfortunately, though she didn’t catch on that I was her killer, she stood me up for a reason I’m not sure of. Anyhow, as I waited to kill her, hiding in the computer lab. My killer, who I didn’t know, came in. At first she didn’t notice me, but then she stopped and turned to stare at me for several moments. For some reason I didn’t put two and two together and I was like, “What?” Anyway, she then proceeded to pull out her ‘weapon’ and get me right in the gut. I almost caught it, but I didn’t. So now the assassin is suffering a gut wound, hurt pride, and frustration at the failure of the perfect plan. *Sigh*

On another note, I’m going to be interviewed for the Student Voice for Scapino! Haha! That and I really think I’ll be nominated for the Irene Ryan’s this year!

Also, I got a bunch of new CDS….and I just have to say, if you want to listen to a damn good CD, buy Elva by Unwritten Law. The new Smash Mouth CD is good and some of the profits go to leukemia studies since the lead singer’s baby died of it.

Ok…that’s all I got right now, going off to write some stuff.

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i still don’t get it. is this that role playing stuff? why is this fun? where do you live?

Lol, yes, CD is going REALLY slow x.X lmao, cassie and I are always talking about how it’s starting to get old, it used to be exciting but like NO ONE is updating except Cassie and I (and occasionally Britt or Courtney (chrima) but Britt’s internet seems to be always down and stuff >.< ~*Bets*~

October 9, 2002

Whoa! It’ll take me ages to read through all of this. Glad you liked my entry (Iggit) over at Uprising.

That sucks you were hit! Does that mean you are completely out of the game? Shoot. I hope, despite that, you are doing great! *HUG*

lol another one of those games I see..I hope ppl do that in my dorm next would be fantabulous;)..I’m sorry to hear of your gut wound. ::Long distance kiss and a careful hug:: ryn..i think it was ur note anyhow..i updated, and it’s kinda long and not all that great, but it’s there. Also, ry entry in legends..thank u much, i feel all special..and dont worry about spontanaity..sometimes that

makes writing better. Sometimes editing and makin it seem perfect is really the worst thing to all depends on the writing..just write how u write, and pick up what you like from other ppl if it fits you, but don’t think you have to be all one way..if we all wrote with the same qualities we’d be boring..but it’s good to aspire..and it’s bad to ramble, so off I go;) was gonna say i updated again..but i see you’ve put us up;) let me know when i’m needed again..well ive been online long enough..i should go..have a nice nite;)

Even the best can’t win them all.

ryn: that means alot! thanks! i dont know how original it is….i suppose you don’t read stephen king? of course, my story is original, but i’ve read this type of book before. i just woke up. i’m behind reading everywhere. i’d like to see where the story goes too. 🙂

Lol, since i haven’t been reading your diary…what’s going on? sounds interesting…lol ~*Betsy*~