GASP! OH Survey…it’s been so long!

Thanks to kelly rose, but then again, she stole it from someone. Thanks to whoever first had the survey.

1. Who, at this very moment would you like to have next to you? Lindsey, Hilary, a girl that I like.

2. What, at this very moment do you have an intense craving to eat? Popcorn….movie popcorn with liquid butter.

3. Whats the last TV show you watched? That’s a tough one, I think I watched…..The Simpsons…yep.

4. What’s your favorite restaraunt? I love the Olive Garden.

5. What do you absolutely hate? Jackasses and impatient people

6. What turns you on? Creativity, touching.

8. What’s your favorite lunch? What happened to 7? Umm…favorite lunch….a good hoagie with corned beef and cheese…ooo they’re good.

9. Philosophy? Love me, hate me, buy me stuff.

10. Favorite cartoon? I love Recess.

12. Favorite playground equipment? Where the hell is 11? Are you like skipping prime numbers? Swings.

13. Favorite inside joke? Pooky…..ahahahahahah.

14. Favorite Disney Movie? Hunchback of Notre Dame perhaps.

15. Have you ever won a contest? Several.

17. What is your best quality? Observance, like where the hell is 16 and 18? Those aren’t prime numbers so theory one is toast.

19. What is your worst quality? Ask other people, I like me.

20. Do you like to dance? Well, I guess you could call what I do dancing.

21. If you had a round trip ride in a Time Machine where and when would you go? I’d go and check on my future and see where I went wrong if I fail and if I succeed see what I did right.

22. If you could be invisible for one day what would you do? Whisper in people’s ears so they think they’re either mad or listening to their conscience.

23. If you could change your name what would it be? I like my name actually, I’ve never thought of changing it.

24. Have you ever thought you were going to die? Yes.

25. One thing you hope to do before you die? Write a brilliant movie that is made and that people celebrate.

26. What do you think about lesbians? They’re fun to watch…oh wait…that was perverted. No, really, everyone has their own choice and I don’t care what anyone does, it doesn’t make a person inferior or superior becuase of some simple choice as sexual orientation. Though they should stay away from the women I’m pursuing, I have a hard enough time…;)

27. If you could smack one famous person in the head who would it be? Michael Jackson, if you could call it a head anymore.

28. What is your deepest darkest secret? And I suppose you think I’ll just tell you that I killed a man and buried him in the back yard……oh shit! No wait…scratch that….oh damn….now I have to kill more people……

29. Who understands you more than anyone? Me…duh.

30. What’s a smell you can’t stand? Shit.

31. What tangible thing do you *NEED* next in your life? A lover….

32. What was the worst thing you ever saw? Michael Jackson……hands down.

33. Least favorite relative? My father.

34. Something that most people dont know about you? I think sex is something that shouldn’t be so held so loftily…I think it’s a great way of expressing feeling and relieving tension.

35. What was the worst thing you ever did? Slammed my little brother’s head into a wall.

36. Whats your favorite quote or phrase? “Good story, save that one for the kids.”

37. What room is your computer in? My room….I’m in college….there’s really only one room where it could be.

38. What did you have for dinner last night? What did I have? Umm……pizza? No….a sandwich, a taco, and…uhhh…..noodles.

39. Favorite time waster? Writing stories or playing CS.

40. If you could’ve been born in any era when would it be? A time when people appreciated intellect and could still just kill people when they got in an argument.

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Hey, I just read a few of your entries and I really like your diary. Ill add you to me fav. I just got a new diary myself so you should check it out if yah wanna. Leave a note if you want to, I could always use the extra advice. ~Butterfly488

you do realize i must steal this! hahahahaha *HUG*

I didn’t read #28. Honest. 😉 I like your answers. They make me laugh. Later Martin

Playing CS? What’s that? I like most of your answers.

once again u sound like me lol..or perhaps u being older i would sound like u..but whatever..i must take this now and use it..and i still have to type up my entry for legends..