Fellemor Gruff

They say that Fellemor Gruff’s has beautiful bluffs!

I doubt very truly it’s true.

For Fellemor Gruff was made of stodgy old stuff,

And the only color he’d paint was blue.

But ah,

He says,

And ah,

She says,

That the cliff sides are flowing with green.

And ah,

He says,

And ah,

She says,

That the winds are as cool as a dream.

They say that Fellemor Gruff’s has beautiful bluffs!

It cannot be he’d have the luck,

For Fellemor Gruff was ever-so tough,

For beautiful bluffs, he had absolutely no truck.

But ah,

He says,

And ah,

She says,

That the waters far down are glass,

And ah,

He says,

And ah,

She says,

That time seems to not ever pass.

I’ll see if Fellemor Gruff’s has beautiful bluffs!

They’ll be sorry when I show them I’m right,

For Fellemor Gruff was far too seedy and rough

To ever have beauty anywhere in sight.

But ah,

He says,

And ah,

She says,

That the sun seems to sparkle, not shine,

And ah,

He says,

And ah,

She says,

The clouds are perfectly divine.

Fellemor Gruff’s has beautiful bluffs!

Had I not seen I’d never believed it true,

For Fellemor Gruff would fight fisticuffs

And spend all his money on booze!

So how,

Is it,

And why,

Is it,

That he of all people should have

The greenest

And brightest,

Without having

The slightest

Good in him to deserve this great land?

Fellemor Gruff’s has beautiful bluffs,

Though he deserved nothing more than a smack,

For Fellemor Gruff passed his days with a puff

Of tobacco so strong that he hacked!

But ah,

It seems,

And ah,

It seems,

That as deserving or not, I bet

That ah,

It seems,

And ah,

It seems,

That nothing decides what you get.

Fellemor Gruff’s has beautiful bluffs,

So I’ll kill him and take them, you see.

For Fellemor Gruff isn’t deserving enough,

At least not as deserving as me

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hey buddy, it’s been a while

i like it;)..is kind of dr suess meets shel silverstein:)

aww thanks(im at legends..) lol..well im sure ppl will want to see tristin come back..if anyone but u and cassie are following him..but u never know through the course of the story what will happen..and i never can predict what youll have in store for him..for all i know u could want him to run off with an evil temptress who puts him under a spell so he cant save the world lol..