Ok, People, You Know the Routine

What were your parents like before you were born?

My father was in the navy while my mother stayed ashore and pined for him. Somewhere in their childhood, they must have been emotionally scarred so that when they became parents, they became clingy and vindictive bastards. I don’t know, something happened to em.

Was there anything unusual about your birth?

My mom had a craving for tomato soup, does that count?

Did you have siblings at that time?

Dave and Jon, yes.

What is your earliest memory about your house?

I do believe my first memory of this house was maybe during all the remodeling, me just remembering the faces of the workers. I know that’s a crappy memory, but we’re going earliest here.

What is your happiest childhood memory?

Happiest childhood memory…hmm…I think my happiest memory during my childhood was OM in second grade, when I won an OMer. I remember all those beautiful years of AJ, Natalie, Mike, Rob, Greg, and I. What a wonderful time.

What event in your childhood had the most impact on your life as you grew older?

I think OM. I think that made me want to act and I acted ever since in everything I could do. Also, Talents North in middle school. Yessiree.

What is your first memory about school?

Getting kicked in the groin by a girl in first grade. Wow….that or seeing Bekah for the first time in first grade.

Who was your favorite teacher?

Mr. Splichal and he was in high school.

What is your favorite subject in school?

I don’t know, I enjoyed em all. Though my favorite class was Media Lit.

What do you wish you could learn more about in school?

How to make it big in Hollywood…;)

What schoolmate had the most impact on your life?

That’s so hard, several without knowing it impacted my life. Bekah (not my previously current crush) made me realize that no matter how much you loved someone, you couldn’t make them love you. And that’s a hard lesson to learn so young. Meanwhile Doug and Matt both made me realize what true friends were, and then they moved away. Everyone I’ve ever loved in school disappeared before they could see me through the trying times…a sad story.

Who was your first best friend?


What is your first memory about high school?

Hilary….and the only three people who would be my friends….three hot senior girls. I was in love with Hilary because of it too.

What did you learn about yourself in high school?

I learned that I had fucked myself over by believing in my parents, by following the orders they gave, and I realized that I wanted desperately to erase everything I had ever done and change it….but it was too late. I learned that nobody loved me and even more, many people hated me, and I learned that I could fight on as long as I wished, I could endure whatever they through and keep standing….and that was a bitter-sweet realization.

What was the first moment you felt truly grown up?

I’ve always felt mature. But I think it was when I fell in love with Hilary. It was after Bekah, finally after that long obsession with Bekah….I realized that I needed love, I needed to love where requited or not….and I learned that I needed the people I loved to love me or for me not to know they didn’t…..and I felt so mature.

What was the first moment you felt independent?

Senior year, when I took a look at where I was and realized I was alone.

How old were you when you began to drive?


Who gave you your first kiss?

Accidental, AJ. My actual first kiss was Katie.

Who was your first love?


Who was the first person you wanted to marry in real life?


What is your best memory as a teenager with your friends?

Thursday breakfasts. It’s the only moment I remember having spent time with friends.

What was the best party you went to; What made it the best?

My favorite party was….I don’t have a favorite really. I enjoy most.

What was your first job?

I worked for my dad, mowing lawns at home and the resort.

How was this survey?

A shocking reminder of a yuckie past.

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July 12, 2002

ah an interesting survey to read for a change, i actually didn’t give up half way through. good stuff.

*hugs you* I don’t hate you Brad if that means anything.