Another Survey and A Question to Devoted Readers

1. How do you like holding hands? Just holding them, so I can also play around with their hand suttly.

2. What’s the best kind of hug? Tight and close.

3. How do you like being held by a guy/girl? Around the waist? Usually I do the holding.

4. Is it more romantic to be touched on your shoulders or back? Back…definitely.

5. Hips or butt? Touched? Da butt…;)

6. Do you like having your hair played with? Yes, when we’re relaxed and all, but don’t mess it up if we’re in public, it’s my one vanity.

7. Where do you put your hands when kissing someone? Usually the waist or butt….

8. Where do you like them to put theirs when kissing? Don’t much care.

9. How many people have you kissed? 14?

10. Slow or fast kisses? Slow….

11. Light or deep kisses? i like deep kisses.

12. Do you like French kissing? Well, it certainly helps break the tedium.

13. What about other places on YOU that you like having kissed? Neck, anywhere really….except the feet.

14. What’s the most romantic spot on your body to be kissed? Lips duh.

15. Weirdest? Armpit? Though no one’s done that.

16. Sweetest? Hand…

17. What about kissing really turns you on? Knowing that you’re in love and they love you.

18. Ever had a hickey? Nope.

19. Given one? Oh yeah, quite a few…..I’m frisky..;)

20. Like it? Giving em? Sure.

21. Who do you wish was right there with you, right now, so you could kiss them after having thought so much about kissing because of this survey? I wouldn’t want anyone around just to kiss, I need a relationship first.

Hey, what do you avid readers of the Kincaid diary want me to write about? Give me an idea…PLEASE!!

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I want you to write about whatever you wish. I’ll read it because you wrote it. Write for you, not for us. Sorry that’s not much help. I think your diary is fine the way you handle it now.

ryn: you don’t have to say anything. I’ll be ok. I’m just being stupid right now. *hug* Stormie