The Brad Identity

If someone was searching for my comedia, my poetry, or a story, or a survey, you won’t find one. Instead, you’ll get me talking…a lot.

So first, the Bourne Identity. The movie rocked. It was awesome! I loved every minute of it’s mind-blowing action, especially when he beats the crap out of that first guy who bursts through his window with a submachine gun. Ohhhh yeah, the fight scenes were so good and fast I was amazed. So excellent movie!!

Secondly, I’ve been thinking a lot about several female folk in my life and my feelings for them and as of yet, I don’t know what I’m going to do. To be honest, I’m being pretty selfish when it comes to this, but it’s not entirely my fault, and I’m about to explain. I don’t care if any of them read this, this is what I think and what I feel and if they don’t like it, I’ve decided, fuck em, because you shouldn’t hate someone for feeling certain ways. I think that was Gabe again, and if you don’t know who Gabe is, that’s the name I gave to that voice in your head that you try to ignore….;)

BEKAH: I really have always like Bekah. I enjoy her company, she’s smart, witty, sophisticated. She doesn’t think she’s attractive and she always thinks I’m putting her down or making her look stupid, but really I don’t think I’ve met anyone with such a complex and enjoyable sense of humor. She’s an avid reader, a great actress that nobody seems to give a chance, and a hard worker. I don’t think she’s attracted to me, but I think if I had to pick one of the three girls I’m writing about here, it would be her that I’d have liked things to work with. But it won’t. I’m not going to tell her, because I think she has a crush on Greg or at least doesn’t like me very much….So there.

LINDSEY: I think Lindsey wants me. I mean, everything she does points to “Yes.” and I’m a pretty good judge of character and I can read the signs well. The problem is, I don’t see her during the summer but I’ll be seeing her everyday at college because we’re in the same dorm on the same floor and I’ve had a crush on her for the longest time, too. Like Beks. (By the way, it was Beks for all those surveys) The thing is, I could be wrong, I could be right. And the question is do I want to be right because of…..

RACHEL: Everybody hates her. I don’t know why, but I think they’re just jealous of her. She does speak her mind and she doesn’t give a shit if you don’t like it, and that’s kind of what I like about her most. Most people hate her and I don’t think they’re just in doing so, but what do I know. Anyway, she’s still in love with me even though I was an idiot about the way we broke up. And you know, I really love her company and we went together to Bourne Identity and I thought to myself….what do I do? The problem is not her or Lindsey, or really even me as much as the situation, becase:

SITUATION: Rachel is in love with me. I’ll probably spend time with her for the rest of the summer, at least as friends but she will of course hold onto the hope that we will get back together. Now, I don’t want to ignore her because that would be wrong, despite the fact that that’s the only way she’ll stop hoping, that or I get another girlfriend which is not something easy for me or something I take lightly. I won’t see Lindsey until college which is two months away and I won’t know if she really likes me until then because I can’t get a hold of her. The problem I face is if I go with Rachel, she’s not going to be anywhere close to River Falls EVER, which means that I won’t see her at all and I don’t think that’s fair to me or her, especially since Lindsey will be AT River Falls and also lives here in Chetek. THe only problem is that if I go with Lindsey, I will be spending the entire summer helplessly leading Rachel on. ACK!

Oh, and finally to wrap up this entry. I’m scared for my own sanity, I actually find those little dolls that people paste on their sites…gasp….COOL! AHHAHAHAHAHH….(sobs and tries to shoot himself but misses) DURN! That was a j/k by the way.

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May 18, 2003

The bourne Identity frightened me. I like Ludlum’s writing (it’s a little stark and bold, but i like it), but that movie scared me shitless. I was scared of swiss people with assault rifles for the LONGEST TIME, man! Crazy.