I’m a Survey Addict and This is my Fix.

I think this is one of my more brutally honest surveys…so there you go, read and enjoy. And in fact, you might figure out who my crush is if you know me well enough.

Do You…

[ Smoke? ]: Nope.

[ Do drugs? ]: I’ve tried pot once. And probably will try it again cuz nothing happened. I’m an experimental sort of person. Besides, I believe we shouldn’t limit ourselves because authority says it’s taboo.

[ Have sex? ]: Well, yes. I did. But I was in love and she used me. Bleh. Bad memory. Once again, I do what I feel.

[ Sleep with stuffed animals? ]: Sometimes….. hey…don’t look at me like that.

[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ]: Not at the moment.

[ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: Not anymore.

[ Play an instrument? ]: Saxophone, any of em.

[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: I do.

[ Remember your first love? ]: Yes. It was a long one that never will be…*sigh* It’s ironic how I fall for everyone with that name….and it’s not the name, though I like the name….cough cough.

[ Still love him/her? ]: No, but I do have a crush on someone with the same name.

[ Read the newspaper? ]: Only the funnies….

[ Have any gay or lesbian friends? ]: All kinds, and bi ones too.

[ Consider love a mistake? ]: Never. You have to do as you feel and follow your heart and when you get shafted, suck it up because you may just do it to someone down the road, and if you do, you’d want them to suck it up. Odd philosophy for a romantic, but I think I’m losing touch.

[ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: Actually, a lot of drinks are good, but not beer.

[ Believe in God? ]: You’d think not. But I believe in him. Though I don’t believe the cookie-cutter creation of most religions….though I think they hit some things right.

[ Pray? ]: Sometimes, usually selfishly. But often times I just stop in to say thanks for everything.

[ Go to church? ]: Emphatic no. I find it ironic that Jesus says that you shouldn’t pray and do things where they can draw attention to what you’re doing. And yet, that’s what church is.

[ Have any secrets? ]: Of course….big ones…..you’re not allowed to know.

[ Have any pets ]: Maya the black lab.

[ Talk to strangers who instant message you? ]: Once in awhile.

[ Wear hats? ]: Never.

[ Have any piercings? ]: No…not good for my image…;)

[ Have any tattoos? ]: Nah

[ Hate yourself? ]: No, I believe in myself deeply. And when I dislike myself, it’s really just my frustration at the situation I’m in, and fortunately, most of the situations I’m put in are someone else’s fault.

[ Have an obsession? ]: I love love. I need it, I crave it.

[ Have a secret crush? ]: Yes, several.

[ Collect anything? ]: Beanie baby dogs….wierd hey?

[ Have a best friend? ]: Casey, Nate…..

[ Like your handwriting? ]: My printing is good, my cursive is pretty good.

[ Have any bad habits? ]: I bite my nails.

[ Care about looks? ]: Yes, I care about mine. But not obsessively. I try to look good.

[ Boy/girlfriend’s looks? ]: I have to be attracted to them if that’s what you mean.

[ Friends and other people? ]: Are we still talking about looks?

[ Believe in witches? ]: I know one.

[ Believe in Satan? ]: I’m unsure as to Satan, but frankly, after watching some people and what they do and say to others, I can believe in a deep, corrupting evil.

[ Believe in ghosts? ]: Yes….and they haunt me….


[ Dress ] Uhhhh….no dresses for me….male.

[ Mood ] Calm, good….still a little angry.

[ Make-up ] Once again, a guy…no make-ups

[ Music ] Well, the radio is on commercials.

[ Taste ] Chocolate chip cookies.

[ Hair ] Spiked

[ Annoyance ] Posers, god I hate people who pretend to be elitist and lovers of crap for reasons that they have made up to look sophisticated. “Oo…look at me, I love this shitty movie cuz deep down, I can see the metaphor about buddhism.” Gag me.

[ Smell ] What the rock is cooking?

[ Think ] Do you see the grammar here? Current think?

[ Book ] Mort by Terry Pratchett…the man’s a genius.

[ Fingernail Color ] Peach?

[ Refreshment ] Dr. Pepper

[ Worry ] Will I get my way with love…thinking no.

[ Crush ] Hey, I left the clue up above and you may figure it out if you’re astute.

[ Favorite Celebrity ] Too many to pick one, though I like Vin Diesel

Last Person:

[ You Touched ] My mom, gave her a hug.

[ You Talked to ] My mom, about going on the net.

[ You Hugged ] Didn’t I just say my mom?

[ You Instant messaged ] Don’t have instant messenger or any service around that anymore.

[ You Yelled At ] Myself…..along to some music.

[ You Had A Crush On ] Duh….no more clues tonight.

[ Who Broke Your Heart ] Nobody ever broke my heart. I break my own sometimes, with Rachel. But never had it broken…..yet….and it’s looking like I’m about to make a first with this crush….

[ Kissed ] Jen


[ Food ] Seafood.

[ Color ] Black

[ CD ] Too many once more, though anything Collective Soul rocks

[ Shoes ] Favorite? I just wear what I want.

[ Candy ] Hershey Bars.

[ Animal ] Komodo Dragon all the way baby.

[ TV Show ] The Mole 2…..or Jeopardy…or Weakest Link, I”m trying out for Weakest Link tomorrow.

[ Movie ] The Jerk

[ Song ] Hero by Nickelback

[ Vegetable ] Brussel Sprouts

[ Fruit ] Tomatoes

[ Cartoon ] I like….ummm….I don’t know.

Who do you want to:

[ Kill ] The next person who really pisses me off.

[ Slap ] Beks…I miss slapping her…haha….inside j/k.

[ Tickle ] I don’t know….who thinks about these things?

[ Talk To ] Beks.

[ Have Sex with ] Someone I love, and that means nobody as of now.

[ Kiss ] I’ll give you a hint, she’s my crush….

[ Be Like ] Myself. I love me, I just wish other people loved me…certain people.

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dýd you just say chocolate chýp cookýe??? yummy!!! ýs tomato really a fruýt??? I’ll steal thýs sometýme soon!! I just love to kýll týme wýth surveys :-p

I’ve never actually had brussel sprouts…I should try them huh? I’m stealing this. It’s only fair y’know. 😉 Ha ha. Hope you’re doing well Brad!

hey its me…i took ur “i love love” thing for my msn nickname and just wonderin …if u have come talk to me :)….summers_juliet@hotmail.com