Cool Fire

I’m spending some time over at a pretty interesting quiz site called she’s.crafty. The web address is Check it out. Anyway, there are some new results posted out on the opening page of my diary. But here’s something it won’t let me copy, so I’m hand-typing it.

My birthday makes me a cool fire.

If you’re a cool fire, this means you probably:

*are extremely boy/girl crazy

*love a challenge and the thrill of the chase

*can be very flirtatious

*are pretty confident most of the time

*can be nasty if you don’t get your way

*have a serious jones for some lip-service

*have no problem letting people know how you feel about them.

*believe that love and humor go hand in hand.

Lively and dramatic, you have an incredible lust for life. You always stand out from the crowd and whatever you do, you do it in style. You spend loads of time, effort, and money on looking your best-and it works because you’re always getting noticed, you lucky thing you.

IN LOVE: You’re at your happiest when you’re forming romantic attachments, you slushy little thing. When you see someone you want, you ignore all protests and persist until they’re yours. You’re certainly not one to take “no” for an answer. Once you’ve caught someone who can give you the admiration you crave, you’re faithful and steadfast.

WATCH OUT: Because you love being in love so much, you have a tendency to make more than your fair share of romantic mistakes. Despite your strength of character, your sense of judgement goes right out the window when it comes to matters of the heart. Which is no good, because you’ll end up with more than your fair share of heartaches.

ADVICE: Remember looks aren’t everything. Spend some time with your spiritual side so you’re beautiful both inside and out.

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ý took almost all the tests on the openýng page of your dýary!! those are so cool and about the muzýc quýz ýt gave a “gwen stefaný” pýc for me!!! she’s my fýrst female crush!!!! lol!!!! well I’ll check out the new test now… they are so much fun love ya