Another Scintillating Survey of…damn, no room.

[[What’s on your bedside table?]]

Bedside table? Do you mean the floor?

[[What is the geekiest part of your music collection?]

BeeGees? That’s probably the geekiest. Now that you know I must kill you however.

[[What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?]]

Chocolate ice cream. Three scoops. Chocolate syrup and fudge, BIG glass of milk.

[[What is your secret guarenteed weeping movie?]]

The Matrix. He….she loves him….*sniff sniff*….yes..that’s it….wake up….kill those bastards….oh it’s so beautiful!! (I don’t know.)

[[If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?]]

Does it have to be on me? Otherwise I’d do something about somebody I don’t like, make their nose droop down to their butt….wow…that was a wierd thought.

[[Do you have a completely irrational fear?]]

Not really. I’m not afraid of something until I have a reason to be.

[[What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?]]

I fake cough

[[Do you ever have to beg?]]

Not to my recollection, my knees remain unscuffed.

[[Are you a pyromaniac?]]

Depends on your definition of pyromaniac. Is it likes fire? Or likes to set things on fire? Oh wait…I like both….as long as it’s not my stuff.

[[Do you know anyone famous?]]

I know people who know famous people.

[[Describe your bed?]]

It’s soft, with white sheets and nice blue comforter.

[[Spontaneous or plan?]]

Plan for the spontaneous.

[[Who should play you in a movie about your life?]]

Me. I act….I need a break….and who plays me better than me?

[[Do you know how to play poker?]]

Duh. How do you think I survive at college…..all of you are suckers…!!

[[What do you carry with you at all times?]]

My keys, my wallet, and my checkbook.

[[How do you drive?]]

Fast and aggressively, so everyone not belted slides around in the backseat….hehe. But I’m very good at it.

[[What do you miss most about being little?]]

Umm….getting picked on? No wait….how about being a big-headedly freakish dork? No wait…that’s right…I don’t miss being little.

[[Long-standing crush?]]

Yeah. A couple…and you know what…that’s probably what they’ll always remain.

[[If you could own any famous painting and hang it in your house, which one would you pick?]]

I don’t know….not much of a paintings kind of guy.

[[Are you happy with your given name?]]

Yeah. I love the name Brad. Though it’s deceiving, you’d think I’d be a football star.

[[How much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year?]]

As far as I could get you to go so I’d make maximum profit.

[[What color is your bedroom?]]

Red blue and yellow. My parents never changed it from when I was young…it’s a real turnoff.

[[How many keys are on your keyring?]]

Well, my car key, my house key, a key I can’t remember what it’s to. Then whenever I’m at college I have my dorm key and room key.

[[What was the last song you were listening to?]]

I’m listening to the radio, so I don’t know what songs have been playing. The last one I remember the name of was ‘Hero’ by Nickelback.

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