
I like that sound a lot.

Ok…anyhoo… I didn’t go see Scooby-Doo for some reason or another because Jen was probably busy.

Instead, I watched “The Majestic” at home on a rented DVD. It was really good, I enjoyed it thoroughly. In my heart, Jim Carrey can do no wrong.

I then went and saw “A Few Good Men” and I had this really long critique of it because it was Greg’s play and I knew most everyone up there and I spent a whole fifteen minutes talking about it because there were really good points….David Marc was amazing, but there were bad points….the guy who was Whitaker sucked and the guy who was Jessep was a little too quiet and reserved….not that you care….ahem.

*Refocuses on reality.*

So Minority Report comes out today, and thank God I can at least rely on my brother, we’re going to go see it. Joe will probably come. See….the only way it seems I ever go see a movie is if Greg’s around and then we invite Joe and the three of us go. Now four cuz Greg invites his girlfriend. *Shakes his fist in mock-anger* CURSE THE WORLD!! Ahem.

Thanks for the notes about the last entry and perhaps I’ll write more. WHooooo knows. Well, I guess I’d better go, a storm’s a’comin and don’t want to fry my computer.

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I saw Scooby Doo. I dare to say you didn’t miss much by staying home.

goýng to the movýes ýs always fun!!!! I wanna see Scooby Doo cos the actors ýn ýt are HOT!!!!!!! whats the Mýnorýty thýngy ýs about (opsy forgot the name) we dont have ýt here yet :-p see ya soon

old school scooby rocks. i have to see it-for the sake of a good hard critique. i wanna see minority report…i will watch for your review of it 🙂 on the work level…you know we need pantry help 2nd shift as always up at the casino…and as of yesterday afternoon a 2nd shift bussing position opened up :p. Since you are older than me i trust you would have no problems getting hired. hee hee:)

June 22, 2002

I want to see Minority Report really bad. I tried last night but of course it was sold out. Oh well, I’ll see it eventually….tell me if it’s good.

Did you not want me to go to the movie with you guys?