The Immortal: Prologue Part II

Light pierced through Shaw’s lids as two soldiers dressed in American military uniform hauled him free of the debris that had concealed him from the German troops. “Can you hear me, sir?” A young private stood, shaking Shaw back to life.

Shaw groaned as he felt the blood rush back and out of his various wounds. “L….lieu…..”

The private contorted face as everyone who is trying to decipher babble does. “The lieutenant, sir?” Shaw nodded. The private swallowed and looked towards his commanding officers. “Sir…the lieutenant….your entire company…….they’re all dead, sir.” A commanding officer, dressed in clean, newly pressed uniform marched towards him, a look of disgust plastered on his face as he stared at the sloshing mud. He reached Shaw and grabbed his dogtags and stared for a moment in disbelief. He cocked his head to the side and inspected Shaw carefully.

“Well I’ll be,” the officer sighed. “It’s him.”

The private, confused as always, read Shaw’s dogtags for further clues as to the officer’s meaning. He gasped. “But that’s just……that’s jus’ a legend!”

The officer looked back at his advancing unit. “No, son, the stories are true…..and you’re looking at the real thing.” The two men stared at Shaw and discussed the stories as the medic arrived. The medic read the tags as well, but Shaw didn’t hear the medic’s stunned reply, his mind was busy with other things. He was busy thinking about the next time, he wasn’t wounded enough for this to be the end….and despite everything it had happened again. He had felt it happening and he had tried to stop it, but he couldn’t. Shaw reached for his cross and felt it around his neck. He gripped the cross with his iron hands and dropped to his knees in the slimy mud. And then, he cried.

I know it’s not very long….but I decided I might start writing this or just leave only the prologue on here and leave the rest a mystery….it’s one of my scripts….the beginning of it at least. Tell me what you think…!

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Hmmmm…now I want to know who Shaw is. This is good writing. : ) Keep it up! RYN: I didn’t really agree with the on ramp, off ramp thing either but I just put it on there anyway…haha. Take care!

oh oh i want to see more of this!!!! is the legend really a rumor? since war couldnt have lasted long enough to make a legend…or is Shaw old?? Kind of like the idea of unbreakable…i want to see more…by the way how are you doing? 🙂