ISHY!!! Don’t touch that!!

Anyway, tonight is the final night of “Homefires.” The play’s been really fun and it’s cool hanging out with Beks all the time. I’ve got to go see the movie Bad Company so I can see some kick-ass action but lament… one to go with!! LOL.

No luck finding a job really, guess I’ll work for my dad one more summer….scripts are flying out of my fingers like wildfire….wait….does wildfire fly? Anyway…..I’ve got some poetry I’m gonna write in here later…..actually, very soon…but most go do things first….secret things….BIG Secret things….I can’t tell you…..I don’t even know who you are….how do I know I can trust you? I can’t can I….you’re really a secret agent….no….stay away….don’t make me kung-fu you!!

Wait…what the hell just happened?

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thanx for the compliment……ummm….u didnt happen to call me a “poser” on an unsigned note did u?

ýt seems lýke you were ýn Matrýx, huh?? ý hope you get a job soon!!!! workýng can be fun sometýmes!!! lol!!! see ya soon, oh and ýts not too bad to go to the movýes alone, at least there ýs noone to dýstract u!!!!