Do the Kielbasa!!

Don’t ask…really…..I mean it……Hey….no…….I told you not to ask……DON’T

Sorry about that ranting….my Dad’s shitty laptop is driving me crazy. I am now home….yeah…..preparing to endure three months of my parentals bitching and complaining and whining and nagging and generally being the assholes that they won’t admit they are. Then ontop of that I’m in a few plays, thank God that will get me out of the house though I seem to be getting embarrasing parts….not that I have much pride to demolish anyway. Right now I’m applying for a minimum wage job and just getting going on some scripts. Don’t expect too many nuggets of wisdom popping on here since it takes me thirty tries since my Dad believes that he needs to download every program imaginable in order to get a stupid notepad program to run….my God he clutters his computer with useless crap…..and so does my little brother….at least my laptop is sane in that respect. Anyhoo…..just stopped in to drop a line and talk to you all later!!

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Glad to hear from you. I hope you have a decent enough summer. Try to have fun, ok? *hug*

yep parents are usually like that. kill them all.

OK you got two days to call me or I’m coming to find you and you don’t want that right oh well maybe you do but we need to party so call ok 354-7811 or 354-7317 love you Jen

May 31, 2002

I feel sorry for you Kincaid. For someone so smart you come across so freaking stupid. I’ve had enough. Grow up and face reality. We all die, There is a growing AIDS epidemic, and you exist. You see I’m not a pessimist, I’m a Realist and the fact is, reality isn’t looking so great right now.

parents can be a paýn ýn the ass most of the týme!!!! good luck wýth ýt!!!! so what are the parts you’ll have ýn the play?? see ya soon