Hey Mister Stupid, why you gotta be so Dumb?

What the hell does that even mean? Lately I’ve been thinking about bands and how, since I shall become a tremendous actor/director/writer…wink wink, nudge nudge…..hopefully I mean…cough cough….I’ll need to have a band to keep up with the recent fad of actors with bands…..and thus I’ve decided my band shall be called “Screwbucket,” cuz I’m Meghan O’s screw-bitch…don’t ask…long story.

Anyway…I’ve already thought up all sorts of cool titles and stuff for track titles and album covers, since my mind is always wandering it’s a nice way to occupy my time.

Oh…go to http://www.poetry.com and you can find a bunch of my poems….as well as submit your own…go on! You can win cash!!

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you sound cool check me out! ~shannon~


I’m telling on you. j/k….:) it’s allright, if my parents know a tenth of the things i do on the weekends they’d shit their pants. besides, your mom kinda scares me. bye!

hey check out my stuff i know you but i bet you cant figure out how this is….

Hello you! I shall check out anything you ask me to..you’re the man ; ) Heh, anyways…I know you’ll be great….not to mention famous…one day : ) Cause…yeah…that’s right….you’re the man ; ) Take care,

almost correct….except i will not be graduating from the mentioned school, but a different one. I am not sure whether this info will broaden or minimize your prospects so i will withhold further clues until you scrutinize this. oh yes, i know your brother also.

well, you knew me as a theatre person,no i never went to Chetek ….and i didn’t sing soprano at the time that i saw you on a day-to-day basis….i wonder if you even thought i was intelligent enough to comprehend Tolkien back in the day…i have seen you a few times after that, talked to you at forensics (regionals) my rookie year. I do believe i had a certain nickname for you…..(hee hee)