Wicky Wicky WA

So yeah, I’ve had absolutely nothing to write about as of late.

So I’m going to the play in a few minutes as well as do a little drinking…I”m waiting for my script to come in the mail so I can start work on it. I’ve finished writing one screenplay and halfway through finishing the next one. I won a scholarship and everything’s cool.

What else should I say? Don’t know as of yet.

I’ll give you an update when things become interesting.

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sounds like a plan to me

I know WHO you are, and I think you are a BIG BIG faggot

Hey Brad you ever going to call again and give me you number I told you I lost it well keep writing for me you know I love your stuff. Love Jen

hey i know you probably don’t even care, but we were just kidding about the (above) note!

that ýs already ýnterestýng!!!! ýt’s so cool that you wrote a screenplay.. I hope the second wýll be done soon too :-p see ya soon

May 11, 2002

The fact that you deny your own ignorance proves that you are ignorant. It only takes one stupid mistake to kill a civilization.

whoa i havent read back here in a while it took me forever tofind my place…so yeah i noticed it’s been dropping off..probably cuz of school…i am soo behind in everything..i try to do this in order so MM takes prioroty and i havent been feeling well so eeking out tristans entry is takin forever..