Tyre’Negoth: Bitter Arrival to the Forest

Phebos finished with soft and reflective tone,

While all remained quiet, above all else, Eric,

Who with red face and sorrowful eyes now rode a distance

From the rest, not daring to look at the troop.

Yet all remained quiet as they neared the forests shadow,

Above all, Andaras watched side-long at the poet,

His mind twisting round in deep and devoted thought.

All others remained quiet to remember all left behind,

Save the outcast, Bahlros, who rode with measuring stare,

Watching the Romantic and thinking silently to himself

Of interesting thoughts and expectations of the future.

Now night grew deep and the troop rode by moonlight,

The vile forests of Alknor lying four miles far,

No sound save the horse hooves striking grass and dirt,

And a soft rushing of wind far o’er head that none,

Not even Eldin who’s ears heard all of nature,

Nor the astute young eyes of Andaras caught the form.

Yet all rode on, til two miles remained to ride,

And Eric, distanced from the tumultous crashing hooves,

Heard it now, the sudden parting of air far above,

His keen eyes darting up but too late was his voice,

For all in that moment felt the moon disappear from sight

And mysterious shadows cover their perplexed minds,

Then with cataclysmic thunder came the thundrous crash

Of Tyre’Negoth!! Looming as large as ashen mountains,

Scales sliding cross every inch of his titanic form,

His gigantic maw opening to reveal blood-soaked teeth.

The force of his crash cast all from their noble steed,

Save Eric who wheeled round to see the chaos ensue,

As all warriors lunged for weapons and drew with haste,

Swinging wildly at the heaven-cast, cursed beast!

Eldin first, for nimble feet had he, fired deadly arrow,

Yet no mark it found but shattered upon the demon’s hide!

Boneshredder’s men drew next and struck at hind leg,

Yet each weapon swung cracked or shattered on the skin,

Drawing but scratches ‘cross the cursed dragon,

Twenty-four in might they stood and fought for minutes,

While the dragon feined movement yet seemed to smile

At the attempts of such a pitiful defense they showed,

Then with bitter scream of a thousand wretched souls,

Which cut through all like a thousand knives of bone

Sent hurtling from the heavens by God’s angry hand,

Came the roar as two blows struck deep and drew blood,

Andaras, with vengeful sword had caught front leg hard,

His sword lashing deep beneath scale, yet one blow

He was allowed, before being thrown, sword and all

Across the land, crashing to the ground with heavy thud,

The second blow’s reward was seen, blood rolling down

From midback, yet none saw who struck and they would not,

No time was allowed as the great and vile beast,

Spread it’s wings, casting all away to run for steed,

While it charged upon fallen Andaras who lay far away

From horse, no man upon their own to ride fast to aid!

Andaras pulled bruised body to his feet and reached

For silver sword and shield as the beast bore down with

Uncanny haste, so fast the beast charged he had time to

Grip his blade before the demon’s breath he felt,

And into maw Andaras gazed, the beast’s bloody tongue

Crashing down, but taste not of Andaras did Tyre’Negoth.

Eric, with brave and lightning speed, flew fast on horse

To snatch the Valiant from his end and carry him away,

Yet none could celebrate as the beast turned once more

To find more suitable victim close by, and one he found,

A perfect vengeance for his last-snatched meal,

For in the chaos of the crash, much had spilled down,

Including much of Eron’s latest works which on knee

He now gathered while the beast’s attention turned away,

Yet now his own eyes were focused in searching,

Not noticing Tyre’Negoth’s vengeful eyes setting on him,

With scream Eric called out, yet too late for poor Eron,

Who was gone with crunching bone as the beast snatched

Him up with flash of teeth and tongue, and turned again

For more, now Andaras had come to from all recent things

And called for all to race quickly towards the shelter

Of the haunting woods a good gallop away, and all did,

Yet Tyre’Negoth, for a single step of his monstrous leg

Covered expansive ground, chased with intensity, his

Bitter scream piercing the hearts of all as they raced,

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