Your Eyes Shine So Brightly It Bends the Knee

This one had a lot of lines that went too long

Your eyes shine so brightly it bends the knee,

It echoes through the chambers of my heart,

Drives a thousand rose-covered chariots through the skies,

Eclipses every star with burning jealousy,

Gathers every single ray of light within the world,

Then warmly lets me lose myself within their bright splendor.

Letting me sleep in tranquil sanctuary,

Where I dream once more of seeing your eyes….

Your ever-present, perfect diamond eyes.

Your smile humbles me so deeply I have no words to say,

My tongue cuts short so it shall never offend,

Busying itself forming words to describe the everlasting radiance,

The blindingly perfect paradise that flows so sweetly,

Drenching my pulsing heart in unending honey,

Soothing away every nightmare past, present, and future brings.

Replacing them with the melody the angel of love sings,

And hushing every impure sound forevermore.

Oh how wonderful to see you smile.

I ponder on these wasted words and my purpose in writing them,

Perhaps I expect for you to discover them and demand an answer,

Perhaps I expect to know what to say to you,

For what does mere man say to a goddess?

Nothing, and so my tongue continues to follow through.

Time and time again my soul screams at my sealed lips,

But what more is there for me to do when you love others rather then me?

Fight on and never give in you would most likely say,

Never expecting that it’s for you that I feel this way.

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: )

I wýsh I could be a poet sometýmes.. or had a být more talent ýn wrýtýng… I wýsh that because I wýsh I could express my feelýngs ýn words that are so delýcate…. I wýsh I hada talent lýke you… so I could wrýte thýngs to show I felt…