Stormie Rogue’s Survey originally from Blue Fire

So name 4…

Good Habits you have:

1. I read a lot

2. I have good hygiene

3. I write a lot

4. I am polite

Bad habits you have:

1.I have bad posture

2.I bite my nails

3.I’m obsessed with Dr. Pepper

4.I play too many video games.

People on your good side:



3.Casey is always half and half…;)


People on your bad side:

1.Beth….don’t say anything


3.My parents


Songs you hate:


2.I’m Sorry Ms. Jackson

3.Most rap is stupid

4.Britney Spears….trivial and uninspired lyrics.

Songs you love:

1.Anything Collective Soul

2.Propellorhead music

3.Crystal Method

4.Angela’s Ashes theme…ok…yeah…kick me now.

Colors you love:




4.Emerald Green

Colors you hate:




4.Dark dark green

Things you don’t fear:

1.Roller coasters

2.Fighting…though I don’t do it

3.Public Nudity….oh…that sparks an image

4.Public Performance

Things you fear:

1.Being Alone

2.Extreme failure of achieving my dreams

3.Dying alone or a failure

4.Anything excessively hairy….? I don’t have any other ideas….

Scents you love:

1.Flowers of all sorts


3.Most women wear wonderful perfume

4.My hair gel

Scents you hate:

1.Anyone farting

2.BO….oh my lord

3.Liquid Cheese…..ralf


Things you love to wear:

1.Boxers…I have nifty designs!


3.Any of my clothes almost….which I’m glad

4.A smile

Things they couldn’t pay you to wear:

Frankly, there is nothing they couldn’t pay me to wear.

Interesting things about you:

1.I can grab my own ribs and twist them…’s interesting! I swear! Disgusting…but interesting.

2.I am a James Bond fanatic

3.Uhh…..I…..I……I have a card published in Magic:The Gathering…I am the only one..mwahahahahah.

4.I don’t do drugs…that’s interesting once you meet me…you can’t fathom how I ended up the way I am without stimulants of an illegal sort…;)

Things people should know about you:

1.I’m crazy…and me too.

2.I love acting more than love, but just barely

3.I crave love with a vengeance but I do without

4.I am a chocolate addict

Things that annoy you:

1.Ignorant or really dumb people

2.Rude people

3.People who are two-faced or lie or who won’t say things to your face.

4.People who tell me I look like Harry Potter

Things that sadden you:



3.Missing chances

4.Not getting to see a lot of movies.

Things that piss you off:


2.Stupid and greedy and ignorant people

3.Bitches…and those who don’t think they are

4.Losing a lot in a video game

Things that make you smile:


2.Making someone else happy

3.Being with someone I love


Things that make you happy:

How bout the same things that make me smile…aren’t they synonymous?

Movies that make you cry:

1.Shawshank Redemption…he gets away…WOOHOO!!

2.Almost any movie I want to


4.John Q

TV shows you love:

1.Whose Line is it Anyway

2.Friday Night Standup

3.Beat the Geeks


Things you love to eat:


2.Chocolate Ice Cream

3.Banana Splits


Things you love to drink:

1.Dr. Pepper

2.Alcohol on occasion



Of your deepest darkest secrets:

1.I hate Beth with a vengeance

2.I hate Beth more than life itself

3.Did I already mention I hate Beth?

4.None of your business

Things you will never give up on:


2.Achieving My Dreams

3.Trusting people


Things you wish you could change:

Life is the way it is and I have too much time to do what I want to say that I need to change things yet.

Of the deepest desires of your heart:

1.I want to be an actor/writer/director more than the world and if the person I love won’t follow me, they go goodbye.

2.I want to find someone who will follow me and encourage me and love them forever.

3.I want people to start weighing their friendships and giving a helping hand where it is due rather than just using people.

4.I wish Casey would dump Beth.

Things you want people to remember about you once you are gone:

1.That I was always there for them when they needed me.

2.That I was talented and smart and good

3.That I made a difference in life and the world.

4.I just want them to remember.

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that survey was a real nýce way to get to know you!!!! you sound lýke a great guy!!!!

wow…i’m going to steal this sometime… ur welcome for the note

i like this survey. very interesting.

I don’t do drugs…that’s interesting once you meet me…you can’t fathom how I ended up the way I am without stimulants of an illegal sort…;)…that is soo me…in fact a lot of this i relate to..think i might fill it out myself sometime..