Slew of Entries

Here come a slew of entries that I hope you all enjoy, most of it is poetry I either recently wrote, discovered, or made up on the spot…also:

I am in Directing I’s play…only cuz a guy couldn’t do it, nothing like being second…well…in this case…fourth choice, huh? Ugh.

I got the part I was auditioning for in A Murder is Announced which I am happy about, I just hope it’s as good as the audition pieces make me think.

I didn’t get anything in Directing II as far as I know…oh well…screw em…;)….I’m not in a very good-spirited mood right now, or at least good-will towards others mood….;).

Shorty Ditty:

Words lie false upon your ears,

Not mine, never mine.

For my words are the lullabies that soothe your fears,

And make a shelter for thee and thine.

Gifts of roses are but meaningless signs,

For you see through these thins,

But mine glow like radiant stars,

For you know they’re as true as your blue eyes.

And others will vie for your hand,

But my faith in you keeps my mind sound,

No other shall ever be your devoted man,

For I alone hold the key to your heart.

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Hey…I think you’re very talented. I’m glad to be back, I missed everyone!! Well…good luck with it all. Take care and I love your work.

that was a nice little diddy:) hey ryn: it’s a good thing you’ve never been like that. i read an article in the Collegian(UT’s paper)where a girl was talkin about how guys seem to be now and she said if you’re one of the nice ones don’t change becuz ur a dying breed(well something close anyhow) yeah u better not change:)