Auditons, Breaks, and STuff

40 Days and 40 Nights was a entertaining movie, lots of nudity and stuff, but I found it a very witty comedy.

John Q was alright, but the ending did not leave me satisfied….the writer obviously couldn’t figure a good one out.

Auditons for Directing I, A Murder is Announced, And Directing II are this week, I made the Directing I play only as a last choice though, since one guy couldn’t do it…that bums me out, yes indeed…but well, I take what I can get.

Who knows about a Murder is Announced, I won’t get anything, of that I’m almost positive…Nate however dominated the stage because he always does…..he’s just so god damn tall no one can beat him for the role he wants…..however he can’t be in the play but auditioned anyway…thus who knows?

Directing II is tomorrow and frankly I killed at Directing I’s improv, and Directing II is total improv…the thing is, nobody likes to cast me in roles because of my appearance. The biggest hurdle? Glasses.

It’s as if they think they’re soddered to my face or something, you wouldn’t believe how many roles I’ve been denied because I wore glasses, or how many dork roles I’ve gotten because of them…and contacts hurt my eyes.

I can take them off fellas…it ain’t that hard…..

Break is coming up and it should be fun, I have some people to see that I haven’t for a while, Gretchen and them, Rachel, some others…..who knows.

Romantic life here is non-existent for me really. I was seeing a girl but I won’t get into that mess….yeah….it was a deplorable mess that made me really hate a person I rather liked before…not that I care since she flunked out of here because of her apathetic nature. I’ve been pursuing Lindsey, sort of, my problem is that I care so much for a person that I don’t want to take the risk of making things awkward by telling them I’d like to date them, cuz if they don’t feel that way, and most don’t, they stop talking to me and that’s exactly what I don’t want to happen…yet there is no remedy and I”m about ready to say : “To hell with the friendships that won’t remain after asking someone out on a date, if that friendship ends, fuck that person.” It’s a terrible thing to say, but you can’t live your life in fear… language has gotten coarser, it’s my Contemporary Drama class, Mamet loves to say “fuck.”

I went to my first concert on Sunday….Sugar Cult, Mest, and Unwritten Law, all punk, though Unwritten Law is pretty hardcore. It was very good, not a whole lot of people there, but that made it better…Sugar Cult is really good….we got autographs and posters and stuff.

I hope auditions go well tomorrow, I’ll need all the luck I can get….I always do. That’s the thing about acting, unless you’ve made it in as kin to the director or their very best friends, you will never know with a part. Look at tonight’s auditions, this lispy fat dancer guy might get the hardcore cop role cuz he’s the directors friend….ugh…..stupidity. IF you typecast on looks what is the point of costume and make-up? Hello?

An update on the author’s life…thank you all for reading and have a pleasant night.

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Well glasses are cute and you are talented. Therefore, they are stupid. A logical deduction, no? And about the friendships…a true friendship can weather any storm. My best friend told me that. It’s true, if you wanting to date her can ruin the friendship..then it wasn’t the strong friendship you thought it was. Thanks for updating, I feel much better now : ) And good luck!! Take care,

I agree with the previous note. I hope you get all the parts you want…and I happen to think glasses are just fine (could be because I’ve had them since 1st grade…hehe) Most people don’t realize I have glasses because I wear contacts..I’m really digressing here..sorry.I hope you have a great break.As far as romance, the right person will come around.You are a wonderful person Brad. 🙂

And thanks for taking the time to leave me notes. It means a lot. : ) Take care my friend!

well u could always take glasses off before auditions if u can see without them, but it should be about talent not aesthetics..i mean who cares if u have glasses or not if u deserve the part

April 25, 2003

Brad- first of all.. My computer broke. I’m doing this at school. Sorry i haven’t been on in so long. Secondly, there haven’t been any updates on Legends, if you want, I can write something fer it if necessary. I can check my email at school, as I am at school now online here. I’ve got glasses. Really powerful glasses. They pretty much ARE soldered to my face. -dahveed