Tyre’Negoth: The Forests of Alknor II

The two indeed reached the cabin and sealed the door,

“Ho, there, Ugido! No luck I see! His fate is his own!”

Shouted Buul, Ugido’s strongest man as he greeted them.

Ugido’s pale face greeted Buul as he caught glimpse

Of scarecrow thrown in corner of the stately cabin.

“Who brought the scarecrow in! Tell me now! Who?”

Ugido shouted but none admitted to having done the deed.

Doffrin, too, had realized now the fate of poor cousin.

Ugido told all of what they’d seen and bolted the doors.

“Tonight we lay in wait, for the creature lurks near.”

Thus, as the storm raged, all took their turn to guard,

It was upon midnight, as day turned to new and evil day,

A pounding came from nearby wall, a hollow pounding

That startled all to wake, for even Buul had drifted

Though it was his duty to keep eye on all the cabin.

Ugido gazed ’round to see that another man was gone now,

The doors were bolted still, yet none could find him.

The pounding continued, a slow, deliberate thumping,

A slow moan of undistinguished sound came next,

Yet none ventured to the door but drew axe instead,

Thud! A powerful hammering hit struck the door then died,

All remained waiting as the torches cast pale light

Across the room, then the whispers came from within,

“Left to rain and sleet and snow, no more, no more,

Left to sun and wind and beast, no more, no more,

Bones broken for neglect and blood spilt upon the floor,

No saftey behind barred window and locked, blocked door,

Saftey within foolish walls of wood, no more, no more.”

The words echoed and faded from the room as Ugido,

Drawing book from cupboard began to search for beast

That fit the haunting words and demonic deeds but none

He found. The moans continued, filled with desperation,

Arpeggios of pain grew followed by the slam of fist.

A nearby window began to rattle as the wind drove its

Hinges loose, the window burst open and all went dark.

Thud! A powerful hammering hit stuck the door then died

As screams of fright rang through house and Ugido,

Being quick of eye and mind, shot for the window pain.

Thud! A third strike came and the words again sounded,

“Left to rain and sleet and snow, no more, no more,

Left to sun and wind and beast, no more, no more,

Bones broken for neglect and blood spilt upon the floor,

No safety behind barred window and locked, blocked door,

Safety within foolish walls of wood, no more, no more.”

A third man let out scream of agony as axe head hit floor

And Doffrin could be heard racing for the door in fear.

Yet, before Ugido could call out to him to cease his act,

The door was open and the lightning illuminated axe head

As it swung down and caught Doffrin in heaving chest.

A ear-grating scream ripped through thunder and rain

As two bodies crashed down in front of the open door.

Buul slammed door and Ugido locked window tight,

Both awaiting the scene that the torches would alight,

When flames danced once more within the cabin walls,

Buul and Ugido were frozen with horror at the wreck.

Doffrin lay, axe head imbedded to hilt in his chest,

Blood gushing round it and flooding the cabin floor,

Upon him lay the missing man, body covered in the scars

Of a man torn apart by viscious nail and sharp teeth,

To their left their other ally lay, slumped by wall,

His body as limp as the scarecrow still in corner,

Ugido examined the body to find all the bones shattered

While Buul called to him to see their lost companion.

They turned him over to find his nails ripped from finger

And his mouth lulled open, missing teeth and tongue…

In the gruesome discovery they did find hope, however,

For Doffrin breathed yet, though labored heavily.

Buul with deathly care drew axe head from his chest

While Ugido, familiar with medicine applied bandage.

While all this work occurred the whispering words began,

“Left to icy cold and hellish heat, no more, no more,

Left to mold and rot and fester, no more, no more,

Skin pealed ‘way for suff’ring and blood spilt on floor,

Familiar eyes rotting in my empty skull as I watch your

Blood ooze, hear you scream, you live no more, no more.”

The two rose quickly, drawing axe and searching room,

But nothing changed or so it seemed at first inspection,

Yet Buul, who watched warily while Ugido tended friend,

Saw and screamed to Ugido in terror and confusion.

Ugido turned to see their shattered ally’s twisted form,

Empty eye sockets, skin shredded round the gaping holes.

Once again whispers entered the room with evil rasp:

“Left to rain and sleet and snow, no more, no more,

Left to rot and mold and fester, no more, no more,

Sealed to false safety every window, every door,

While one breathes through burnt flesh forever sore,

To warn all travellers of the dangers in store.

And none shall come who will leave, no more, no more.”

The whispers died slowly in a cackling, bony rasp.

“The demon dwells within, and I now know in truth,

The evil does dwell within the woods and corrupts all,

For the beast that has slain our friends I believe,

To be the scarecrow lying in the corner and it awaits,

Our backs to turn to end our breath as well,” Ugido said.

Buul drew axe and prepared to slay the smiling puppet,

But Ugido stayed his hand, taking axe away and saying:

“Only you can carry Doffrin to the trader’s post not far

From here, go now and do not look back, I shall slay

The thing if it is meant to be or I shall pay, dearly

For putting all of you in peril when I was forewarned.”

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