Tyre’Negoth:The Fall from Grace

The second night found six hours sleep for all

Save Bahlros who spent his time sitting in the brush,

Staring out into the night, waiting for an unseen enemy.

And as the third day’s sun rose above the horizon,

All awoke and set off once more, the forests far ahead.

As occurs when humanity displays mystical strength,

It came that the party asked Acumenius for a tale or two,

“It would be my pleasure to regail all you fine men

With two tales, relics now, one a tragic fall from heav’n

While the other the loss of an Earthly hero of old,

Yet both pertain to our quest, now, having told

A brief introduction, let me begin hurrying the sun,

Gather and listen, first, of Tyre’Negoth, the dark one!”


Many know the fables told by wizards and priests of seven

Dragons, each of dif’rent emotion, born in heaven

And cast down from their high throne in eternal battle,

I’ve devoted much time to the validity of this prattle

And found indeed the stories to be absolutely true,

The story which I’ve gathered I now present to you:

Seven dragons, two born of evil and five of good,

Were granted freedom in heaven where God’s castle stood,

Yet, as I believe, God does not know all things to come,

Thus the two evils decided to take God’s kingdom,

Sar’Imect, bearer of a thousand plagues and ills

Along with Kim’Raur, the warmonger made their wills

Known before the remaining five and of them, only four

Opposed, while the youngest, Tyre’Negoth, asked for more

Time to consider the two dragon’s evil proposition,

For Tyre’Negoth had been born without power or position,

He was disregarded by all minions of Earth and heaven,

And neglect is worse than maltreatment, now he was given

Chance to make himself known and feared by all,

To become the creature who now strikes fear with his call

For before the dragons began the war, heaven and Earth

Did not know pain or evil, thus they gave no worth

To Tyre’Negoth, who was the giver of thanks, for tis true

That if no bad ever occurred in life no thanks were do

For all had joy and none had problems to be relieved,

Thus he was powerless lest this war occurred he believed.

So upon next meeting, Tyre’Negoth before word was spoken,

Lashed out with bitter claws until a dragon lay broken!

A struggle burst out within that very hall of peace,

Yet good seemed powerless against the raging, evil beasts

That then flew free and rampaged across all heaven,

God, angry at this viscious act, cast all seven

Down to the bowels of the Earth to lie in eternal dark,

Yet, it seems, the devil used his powers to spark

A curse which called all seven to one day rise again,

And tear asunder all of the great world of men!

And with his tongue of bile he filled the dragons four

With resentment at their unjust punishment, to ensure

That when the time came to awake within the world of men

That all would turn against their nature and then

Rain hell upon the very world and thus all four fell ill

And cried out hate to God, succumbing to Satan’s will.

Ul’Tash the watcher of material wealth grew to greed,

While honesty turn to deceit and lies in Fal’Ceed,

Zin’Zahur, guardian of faith, tainted all with sin,

And Jik’Jai, love’s embodiment turned to hate in the end.

Yet Tyre’Negoth, who started all the darkness we know,

Was granted first rise to reap the evil he had sewn,

For the granter of thanks turned to granter of curse,

Thus all who he slays with viscious claw suffers worse,

Rising again to protect against the faithful hero who

Is prophecized to slay the dragon as only a hero’d do.

Yet when he falls, who knows how long til others rise,

And new heroes are born to bring about their demise.

Thus God, though faithful Serat would deny it’s true,

Does not know of everything and always what to do.”


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