Love Gives But Misery

I’d give it all,

But not enough,

I’d sacrifice my heart,

But not enough.

Nothing I can do,

Will make you be with me,

Though all I say is true,

Love gives but misery.

I fall fit to sadness,

And madness too at times,

Most think me nothing great,

But I’d be so much better for you.

But nothing I can do,

Will make you be with me,

Though all I say is true,

Love gives but misery.

All I want is your hand,

To walk with you beneath the stars,

To spend a lazy Sunday in bed,

To tell you that you are perfect,

To whisper in your ear and make you smile,

Lose myself in your eyes,

And if you don’t believe this true,

I’ll prove in any, everyway to you,

That there’s nothing I won’t do,

To be something better than I am.

You are my reason for breathing,

For waking up each morning,

For working to be something great,

For getting up when I fall down,

But nothing I seem to do,

Will make you be with me,

For all I say and do,

Love gives but misery.

My tongue is tied in knots,

So I speak in silly rhyme,

That’s by no means eloquent,

Nor pleasing to the soul,

But it’s all I can do,

To make you finally see,

That all I say and do,

Is to make you fall in love with me.

I don’t care if it’s unfair,

I may be selfish and rude,

But you don’t see me the way I see you,

Nor do I expect you ever will,

But all I can think to do,

Is bear my heart for you to see,

A love that’s good and pure and true,

That will make you want to be with me.

And all I want to do,

Is hold your hand and kiss your lips,

To give you unending happiness,

To spend a summer day under the sun,

To build a world, the life you dreamed,

For nothing else in life, I think,

Will make my life worth living,

Just loving you the way I truly do,

But all this is but ideal fantasy,

For love, for me, gives but misery.

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on the verge of tears now…. that was such a great poem…. ý don’t know ýf you got the ýnspýratýon from a true story but ýf ýt ýs, she should be yours, for ýt ýs obvýous that love ýs true….. remýnds me of myself 🙁 ….

Wow, I’m speechless. That was really good, honestly. If only I could write like that, lol. Not possible. Keep it up!

that sounds familier..probably from another poem on the same subject, not sure..well love gives misery but it also gives all depends what side of it ur on how u look at it I tired like drained mentally but not physically, ass backwards from usual, so rather than skim through and not really enjoy i will return later(i did skip the epic cuz it got confusin lol) nite nite