Tyre’Negoth: Last Rites II

Acumenius sat reading in the small market of the town,

Barely touching the food, devouring words instead,

Small rimmed glasses sat upon his nose as he lost himself

In history and knowledge, the pages burning away quickly.

At his right, Gimnal sat staring out with hollow eyes,

Whispers of half-words continued to seep out his lips,

Nothing came yet Acumenius ceased his deep reading.

“The world around is bright and filled with cheer,

Despite the darkness of hell drawing so deathly near,

Men sell their goods to women and children on the street,

Now no more worrying of their souls, back to food, eat!”

Acumenius patted Gimnal, who sighed with content,

Reaching down and plucking slowly from his own plate.

Back to book, the wise man returned, smiling in the sun.

Whilst all this occured, Elden watched Immundus’ bird

Soar high above the clouds and dive down onto some game

That Elden had slew with single shot to the heart,

Veil cried out and set off, too, not to be outdone.

Elden smiled and turned to his loyal falconer friend,

“No fair! Your bird has gravity on it’s side!”

Both laughed as they trudged through prairie-grass

On the outskirts of Baelorik’s impenetrable fortress.

Elden felt the grass with his hands as he neared the kill

And spoke softly to Immundus, tenderness touching heart,

“I asked you and you agreed, but deny me now, this deed

Is far more horrid than we think, to allow wizards along!

Barbarian hordes and mercenaries join welcomed with joy!

I have heard the myths of Tyre’Negoth but nere believed,

Now turn from me, Immundus, I swear I’d be much relieved

If you would do so!” Elden pleaded case but to no avail.

“Good friend,” Immundus sighed, “We are like brothers!

No life would be worth not having you to hunt with!

We have always hunted as one, bird and wolf, it shall be

This way for as long as we have life,” Immundus said.

The two reached the rabbit which lay silent in the field,

Veil sat in happy waiting, the falcon perched on back,

Elden smiled at the odd combination then set to the game.

The faithful warrior knelt before the church altar,

Sword set tip-first into the marble floor, deep in prayer

And thoughts of God, his voice whisp’ring softly:

“Dear Lord, grant me strength and courage beyond my age.

Let me not fail in times of my allies need nor my own,

Guide my hand to evil and sin, let me purge this land,

Give me patience and calm when our party quarrels,

And I shall serve you with utter faith, no question asked

Of “why?”, rather I shall accept all that occurs.”

Thus the warrior rose and beckoned to the two who waited.

Finally, Boneshredder stood on a rocky precipice,

All town and much country could be seen from the cliff,

Yet his eyes stared out upon Mt. Zeras looming far away,

His allies waiting a single word to leave his lips,

Finally, a deep breath came and he turned from the view,

He spoke nothing, but the warriors asked no questions,

All rose and followed their commander back to the castle.

Thus all was ready and the warriors mounted their steeds,

Then, the eight warriors, their followers and Monmoth,

Without grand speech, set out through the castle gates

And began their quest to seek the end of evil.

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