Tyre’Negoth:Prophecies and Dreams II

I bolted right up from my bed and found my mind anew

With a trail through countryside that shall lead

You all to Mt. Zeras, it is the destined path,

Yet I cannot seem to describe the way it looks in my mind

Thus I begged Baelorik to let me lead as pathfinder,

It is my task to save Alistaire from the cursed hell

And unite the brother’s in heaven, I now can tell

You all deem me mad, but what matter if I am?

If I follow it’s an extra hand and if my mind is right,

Then God has smiled and if I’m wrong, then you shall

Find a path more suitable and you may slay me dead!

Yet do not deny my place in party, for I see danger lies

Within all paths, Alistaire’s army shall march against

You all! Other beasts shall try to taste your blood,

But though I know not how to tell, I know where they lie

I know it well! Grant me chance to do my part, I pray!”

Monmoth, whose face had never quivered in a battle,

Shook with fear and sorrow as he awaited Andaras’ answer.

The appointed leader of the pack, rose with solemnity:

“Indeed God works in many ways, thus your wish be granted

For I believe you readily, and no harm can come from you.

If others disagree I shall listen, but I believe us all

To be of one conviction, thus let us not begin a quarrel

Over such a petty thing as allowing Monmoth to follow.”

Acumenius rose to reply, his face knotted in thought,

“I ask that if Monmoth be allowed, Gimnal, too, be taken,

For many monks have been fit to truthful visions, true,

I believe the phrasing of the prophecy is our only clue,

Thus let me bring him as my own, so I may ponder meaning,

Perhaps I’ll solve it yet, if my mind’s not worn away,”

Acumenius laughed as all did, too, granting him his wish.

Baelorik then spoke quickly, ending all discussion:

“No more! All that’s needed has been decided thus,

Gimnal and Monmoth shall go prepare for the journey,

As I urge all of you take care of any last tasks,

Before departing on this journey of great portent,

I pray I see all your faces returning in later months,

Though I, too, have premonitions of ill-fate for some

Who stand before me now, I pray it be but my age.”

With that all rose to tend to things left undone,

For all knew this journey promised death to some.

That’s it….hope you all are enjoying the story as much as I am writing it! I’ll put another one in later today…I’m off to lunch! Ta ta!

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