[Name:]Bradley Owen Jennings

[Age:] 18

[Grade:]13th if we’re counting college as grades




[color:] red and black, white too.

[animal:] Komodo Dragon

[car:] Something really fast and nice…I don’t know.

[soda:] Dr. Pepper

[fruit:] Watermelon, Raspberries, Blackberries

[sport:] Golf

[store:] Best Buy

[scent:] Most female perfumes….on women of course….they smell wonderful…kinda wierd yes…but hell.

[movie:] Heat, The Jerk, Three Amigos

[song:] My favorite is…umm….Mein Herz Brent right now.

[type of music:] Heavy Metal

[singers:] Collective Soul

[radio station:] Don’t even listen to radio.

[TV show:] Whose Line is it Anyway?

[subject:] Drama.

[teacher:] Mr. Splichal

[food:] Shrimp or Crab

[candy:] Chocolate

[cereal:] Kix, King Vitamin was awesome.

[website:] Freeopendiary.

[instrument:] Saxophone or piano.

[shoe company:] Rockport

[gender:] Female

[language:] english

[celebrity:] Brad Pitt or Vin Diesel…yes yes Vin Diesel’s cool.

[flower:] Black Orchid

[book:] Any Terry Pratchett

[club:] Uhh..don’t know.

[phrase:] I don’t know if I have a phrase.




[job:] Actor/Writer/Director

[married or no:] Definitely

[children:] A guy and a girl….

[car:] A very fast car…

[pets:] A doggie…YES indeed.

[house:] A mansion….stately…not too big….not small

[where will you live:] California or Spain


Other Stuff


[Have a BF/GF?] No.

[gender:] Male

[any pets?] Maya the black lab

[any siblings?] Two older brothers and a little brother

[what school do you go to?] River Falls

[do you have a computer?] Laptop

[what scares you?] Falling heights, dying.

[have you ever been obsessed over someone?] No.

[do you want to be famous?] Yes.

[do you wear glasses?] Yes

[do you have tonsils?] Why wouldn’t I?

[do you play an instrument?] Saxophone

[Republican or Democrat?] Independent.

[ever made a useful invention?] No…..

[ever beat anyone up?] Yes…..sadly.

[if so, who?] Ummm…not gonna say who.

[very annoying person?] Sure sure…..

[do you look older, younger, like your age?] Younger.

[do you act older younger, or like your age?] Older

[any nick names?] Snoop, Brandon, Harry…uhhhh


Rate (rate the following from 1 to 10)

10 means highest since this was previously unestablished


[your loudness:] 19

[your funniness:] 7 perhaps?

[dorkiness:] 9

[smartness:] 7…common sense kicks my ass

[blondness:] 1

[athleticness:] 1

[popularity:] depends on who you ask

[creativness:] 10!! Hahah…I’m original…sooo original…..doodly doodly doo..mwahahahah.

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that was a long ass quiz…

mmmm…Dr Pepper *runs to fridge*

I love surveys!!! ýt’s one of the easýest ways to get to know a person… I’ll read the thýngs you wrote when I’m not feelýng as sleep!!!! :-p see ya soon

fast cars are nice, but I’d have to say a black mercedes..yeah. Have you ever seen some of those cars on “The Fast and the Furious”? They were pimp! Bye bye! -Laura

dear lord you must have been bored at this point in your life…lol…kinda like me now copyin em and filling em out but hey that’s life..