Survey Continued

What Is/Are/Was…

Right next to you: To my right is my radio and to my left is my bed.

On the walls of your room: Shelves, posterboards with a 1940’s Radio Hour poster and a picture of prom, and mirrors.

On your mouse pad: Optical Mouse…hah.

Your dream date: Dinner, Movie, Walk Under the stars…preferably all done in Spain….lol.

Your dream honeymoon spot: Spanish Castle

Your dream husband/wife: Someone who believes in me absolutely and who’s willing to follow me around as I pursue my dreams, it’s a lot to ask but you said my dream.

Your bedtime: When my body shuts down because of emergency sleep need.

Under your bed: Dust, shoes.

The single most important question: Why? You might think I”m joking, but is there anything more important than knowing “Why” anything happens? That’s my thought.

Your bad time of the day: None…life is wonderful.

Your worst fear(s): Failure….a death that leads to non-existence.

The weather like? Cool, absolutely perfect, cloudy but with peaks of sky to make you just love the world.

The time? 1:23 pm

The date? February 16, 2002

The weirdest food or drink that you like: Fries with butter.

The hardest thing about growing up: The fact you may end up a failure and never achieve the dreams you have, dreams that are beautiful and wonderful.

Your funniest experience: There are so many that I don’t know where to begin…:)

Your scariest moment: The day I drove through a tornado.

The funniest or most desperate thing you’ve done to get the attention of the opposite sex? Tripped them as they passed by……don’t ask.

The scariest Thing that’s ever happened while with your friend(s): Casey driving, while changing Cds at 90 mph in a car that goes 70.

The worst feeling in the world: Rejection/Failure

the best feeling in the world: Love and Joy

The happiest moment of your life: As of now, when I act, the time I spend with a girl I care about.

The saddest moment of your life: When I learned I wasn’t superman….also the most physically painful….:)

The worst moment of your life? Have no clue……don’t really remember what the worst was.

The coolest experience in your life: Playing Snoopy….there was nothing like it in the world.

Your fondest memory of you and your Friends: Casey and I screaming at the top of our lungs singing to a song neither of us can hit the notes to as we fly down the highway.

Your most precious memory: Snoopy

The memory you miss the most: There are many….

The most romantic thing a person has ever said to you: I have no clue…..nothing really romantic is usually said to me….well anything Rachel says cuz she remembers everything about me.

A place you want to go to (you’ve never been there): Spain, Italy, Egypt, Australia……

Your hobby(s): Writing, Acting, Listening to Music.

Something you do in your spare time: Study…lol.

A skill or talent of yours:I can grab my own ribs and twist them, put my legs behind my head, I can do most anything to elude a breathalizer… me, I tried with Casey’s friend…he has a breathalizer…lol.

The strangest thing to happen in a chat room: A Man yelled he wasn’t wearing pants and wanted to skinny dip in mustard.

The thing you want to be remembered for: My films, my acting, all the people I helped with my riches.

The last four digits in your phone number: 4609…yeah baby….a 6 and a 9.

You doing tonight: Listening to music, partying with Casey.

The thing you actually want to be doing right now: Talking with Rachel, acting.

The thing You’re Picked on Most About: I look somewhat like Harry Potter, I have a goofy laugh…I’m odd in general.

The first thing you thought of this morning: Why is Bridgett and Andrea’s alarm going off? Why isn’t stopping…oh..they’re both gone(it went on for two hours.)

A dream that left you in a cold sweat: I dreamt that the world was going to end by a nuclear explosion and I couldn’t save them though I could….I tried and tried but something always held me back and then it ended and I saw all their faces in anguish….that was really bad.

What is Your Favorite…

Name: Kincaid

Animal: Puppy’s

Color: red, black, white

Number: 7

Vacation Spot: Spain I’m guessing

Place to Shop: Book stores and video game stores…lol

Thing to do on the weekends: Listening to music, do something romantic with someone…watch a movie.

Thing to do during the Summer: Swim, make movies.

Thing to do during the Winter: Snuggle, make movies.

Thing to do at night: Party, listen to music, write, make movies…lol.

Thing to do during the day: I think we all know what I was going to say.

Days of the week: Saturday.

Month of the year: July

Time of Year: Christmas ironically since I like summer.

Season: Summer

Holiday: Christmas and Valentine’s Day, though I don’t have someone, I love watching couples being cute.

Well..there we are….

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cool 🙂

Yo yo Snoop dog. Good times ya fuzzy face.

more? geezo..interesting though…i may copy paste and fill it out for me laters..