The threesome

Before everyone gasps, no…that’s not it. I’m talking about Casey, Me, and Beth. Casey and Beth are dating and since Casey and I are really good friends and Beth really likes me, we hang out all the time. I feel like we’re all dating together since Beth calls me up and talks to me about what she’s doing and Casey is always doing that, too. It’s actually quite hilarious at times and other times you could actually call it kinda sad but not in a too bad way. Like the three of us, along with another girl, went and celebrated Valentine’s together….I’m glad….I’d never knock it….cuz it’s a great relationship the three of us have…really it is. It’s past midnight and Casey’s playing guitar and I’m using Beth’s laptop to make this entry while we wait for a pizza. There are images in life that always will stay with me and fill my movies, like this moment….and when Casey and I listen to a song on his stereo and sing at the top of our lungs…..what a wonderful world hey? You know, I’ve always been one to assess myself as a tragic character, but it’s not that bad….in fact, life is really good and I wish I could spread my attitude and happiness around…..:)

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glad to hear it 🙂

hey that’s least u didnt feel like a third wheel right? hmm i saw a thing on relatioships where three ppl are realy in it, it’s kinda weird lol, but i gather u didnt take it to that so many choices on characters..i checked the diary out earlier..glad u clarified on that weirdly spelled really gonna have to think hard on this lol.