Is There Hope?

Doubt blankets my searching mind,

Like bitter fog blinds the eyes

With sleet and frigid snow,

Hiding the warm light quite kind,

That keeps my heart’s last embers

From losing their shallow glow.

Hope burns with eternal flame,

Yet pierces nought,

Which all forget,

So my state remains the same,

Praying for the fog to die,

But never has it yet.

The road to truth glimmers gold,

Sheltered from the tempest’s rage

Whose fury has no end,

But I am of the masses untold,

Who strayed away decieved by man,

Ignorant how to find the path again.

Yet funny is this fickle life,

For irony abounds as I can see,

Though I be deemed the fool,

For those who face the bitter strife,

Are ones who forgive without thought,

Are ones who follow every rule.

Good lies not in the wanderer’s saved,

‘Stead lies and deceptions

Coat their vile tongue,

Leaving the good to rant and rave,

For false promise given them,

Always given, never done.

Lonely are the valiant lost,

For deaf ears and blind eyes

Wield the only helping hands,

And hell and evil seems a little cost,

To these poor souls who endure

Castigation from their lands.

One question lies on my mind broken,

One that beats with timpany sound

Never knowing a moment’s peace,

One question thought but never spoken,

Shall my feet feel stone again,

Or shall I search til my breath doth cease?

So I ask in loud lament,

To all who listen,

To all who hear,

Is this for what my life is meant?

Or is there hope,

There’s none I fear.

None for me for I’ve seen the dead,

Whose eyes are hollow,

Like their heart,

I’ve seen them dying, broken, bled,

Their hands still searching,

Til their soul doth part.

So the question that lies at hand,

Is not whether hope remains,

For fools have hope but I’ve grown wise,

But if life of moral is better than

A life of sin,

A life of evil, a life of lies.

Yet my wisdom is only so strong,

For I’ve glimpsed the masked shadows,

Whose evil bathes them in splendor,

Still my rank lies in the wailing throng,

Though I shall die in the frigid dark,

I shall stay fast and not surrender.

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As usual, very good work 🙂

nicely know I just noticed that I’m into this year..hey hey hey::pats self on back:: lol wow, only 8 most to go, actually 7 because this is near the end of january lol..