The War

Within wages the war that all mankind must fight,

Each takes their sword and locks them with the enemy,

For me, a human not strong of arm but strong of will,

I too must become a soldier and battle longside all others,

For men like me, left with shallow blood and broken promises,

We are warriors of one against all the evils we must overcome,

No more shall I throw my weapon aside,

The battles I have lost will no longer haunt my mind,

The war rages on and my life is young,

To love I shall stand true,

A love that knows without test of my true devotion,

A love that fills my mind and my mind fills with trust,

Conviction shall stand by my side,

I will endure through all that stands before me,

Father, mother, brother and lovers doubt my dream,

But I shall stand upon the summit and scream,

And apathy and misery which so long followed me

Shall fall away far below me and vanish forever.

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I read this survey a while back that said that 64% of Americans think that the war in Afganistan should continue into other countries, personally, that kind of shocked me, what do you think about it? Joe

hey thanks, it’s good to hear encouragement. You’re doing quite well in Midnight yourself;). he, I agree about the shifters..ash is getting on them. i guess she already threatened nomlin, if u notice her note saying she’s glad she didnt have to leave. Adriad and I are headed to the forest, where we will perhaps encounter someone else. If ash really wants one of em gone we can always let Adriad do