
Sorry for not writing in a while all you devoted readers!!

Lately I’ve been really busy partying and acting in 1940’s Radio Hour. The show is going splendidly, in fact, amazingly well. The entire cast work so well together and we’ve been nominated for an ensemble award…so that’s really sweet. I also made call-backs for the next show and now have to wait until Monday for the results.

Exams are next week and then I’m outta here for Christmas break, so that’s really sweet, all my classes are done with and now I’ve just got to chill.

Nothing is going wrong in my life now, everything’s working splendidly so I’m ontop of the world. Yeah, man, it’s all good. Been doing a lot of writing lately and going to the theatre in town and also hanging out with Stephie(a little more than I should perhaps) and of course, the ever present party scene….usually the parties are a little more exclusive, I don’t like going to the frat houses…but we’ve had some good times at Nate’s and Scott’s and Stephanie Dale’s and Carrie’s and well, a few other places.

I’ll write again later…..gotta go though, have to eat dinner and go perform!

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lol u make me go haha…but yeah tch i figure really it’s because my mom doesnt want the truth told about what’s going on here to anyone..that’s always been her main concern..dont write about suicide, why do you tell people it’s so bad here, blah..it’s like she wants everyone to believe she treats me well when she doesnt and it’s like riight..ok you go in your fantasy of im a good mom now..