Viewer Poll

Well hello all you viewers of the personal life of Luther Kincaid, today I offer you a poll……

There’s this girl who I really like and we spend a lot of time working on the play together but we don’t talk too much, we just usually give each other a hard time. Now I know she isn’t seeing someone and I don’t see why she wouldn’t go out with me at least once…now what do you think viewers….do I…..

a)Give up

b)Just suck it up and ask her out just directly

c)Wait to ask her out and just see how things go


Secondly, what the heck kind of script should I write? I’m just totally up in the air! I appreciate every note so send em in with your opinion!

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ummmmmm…..C. i guess!!!! im a chicken sooo thats what i would do…..

well, a mix of c and d. Be aware this is coming from a guy who know’s very, very little about this stuff. I’d just start being really nice, (I’m not saying you aren’t right now, mind you) get to know her well, maybe hang out a bit, and eventually ask her to the movies or whatever and go from there I guess. Joe

hm…well it depends on how u give her a hard time ..if its good natured id go for it but steer clear if it’s malicious..why set urself up for heartbreak…but this was over a year ago lol..