Melt Away

But for my blood run cold,

Would I have cried,

Yet there are no tears to fill my eyes,

Just smiles to warm my icy skin,

And melt the snowflakes from within.

But for my blood run hot,

Would I have fallen into sadness,

Felt a million pitied days of loneliness,

But all this replaced for eyes wide open

To an everlasting and unending light.

I see now things I never saw,

As if I had a sense beyond my five,

That shows me things I never dreamed,

That no man is supposed to see while he breathes,

Things barely able for a man to concieve….

And all the things that have come before,

That stabbed me, bled me, run me cold,

Fall away, useless shackles to hinder my plunge

From the brink of this unending abyss,

Whose bottom I cannot see nor percieve.

It’s there, I know it, that shallow pool that waits for me,

A pool of perfect waters warm that heats my blood,

Surrounded by paradise burned upon my eyelids,

So when I blink I glimpse the world I desire,

It lies for me below, I have faith in this, I truly know.

And a million tongues lash out at me,

Arms cast shackles and chains to bind me forever,

To cut my breath from me and bog me down,

To “save” me from the fall to misery and death,

To a place where nothing is certain and all could be lost.

But for a single sight unseen til now,

Would those chains have held me tight,

But my strength has fueled itself to perfect heights,

And all these shackles now lie broken,

And down I tumble without end, til I land again.

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once again, very well written.

hm..u can’t really tumble without end if you land lol, but other than that well written:) well grr on it aim you have? you can have more than one user name, maybe try coming up with a new one and see if it isn’t just the one that you have that isn’t working.