
Another poem for all you rowdy fans just waiting for me to write again….to all zero of you….here it is….


Sirens screaming through the dead night air,

Icy lights freezing bystanders as the ruby light burns,

And all is silent, and all is dark save these things.

Time’s grand watch stopped for a heavy second,

So that a million images may cross a poor soul’s eyes,

So that these, coupled with an unending pain

May release him from this world with a gasping breath,

And all is silent, and all is dark, save these things.

Now in this slow motion dance to the final breath

The soul’s mind finally may be percieved for it’s magic,

Feeling every bone splinter, every vein burst, the blood rush out,

Watches the fiery smoke billow from the gaping mouth of the weapon

As it puffs a final breath of it’s own, but one in triumph.

And all is silent, and all is dark, save these things.

The mind moves slower, the heart grows colder, and time stands still,

As the numb weight slides to the ground in a pool of red,

Which slowly swallows the pavement all around it’s former vessel.

Crowds gather as the enemy flees down the draining streets,

His power gone, his bravery drained without his weapon,

But no eyes search for him, they are focused on the soul,

They watch with wonder as the sirens and the lights arrive,

They watch the heroes pile through and fight for the life too far gone,

They watch him gasp with agony,

And he gasps……

And he gasps…….

And he gasps……..

And all the world is emptied in his eyes,

While all the sounds of screams and yells and sirens fade away…..

All is silent, all is dark.

Depressing, no? don’t know why I wrote that really……

I’m having a great time….just went out with a bunch of girls and Casey to do some stuff….Casey’s frickin hilarious…..he’s awesome…..write again later.

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Tight! Poetry is so cool…too bad I can’t write it, lol.

I’m always waiting for you to write!!! I’m a devoted reader. :o) So keep me happy and KEEP WRITIN’!

hey now, i know lots of people that read this. keep writing.

keep us up to date on college life. over and out.

u sound like me..lol i’m like yeah if anyone reads this..but no one will..oh well …lol..he i read it..dont u feel loved?