
Well, lately, nothing’s been going on, in fact I’ve barely done anything around here lately, just hung out with people and rehearsed the play……it’s been really awesome actually.

I’m going to the Grand Prix whenever it is, it’s this huge magic tournament and I could with 3500 dollars…oh hell yeah.

Last night I went to Nate’s house and we watched Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Event Horizon, and The Ghost and the Darkness….three of the greatest movies ever.

I’m an audiogalaxy addict, I’ve made like fifteen cds since I’ve gotten here, that’s a lot.

So I decided to make a poem called groove….


Flashfires of irradescent light,

Groove across the sweat soaked floor,

Millions of shining black and white tiles,

Hidden underneath the million bodies,

Chaos in motion…perfection…..paradise,

All spiraling upwards, downwards, every which way,

Bodies grind against one another,

Seductive poses, glances, words,

Whispered in the rainbow globe lights

That rain down upon the artistic souls

Of the million bodies dancing in the dark.

The walls shake loose from pounding bass,

All senses lost, euphoria discovered,

As everything is beauty, everything is wonderful,

Golden shirts of vinyl and silk flicker in the fog,

Green eyes pierce my soul as they linger at the bar,

Unfamiliar faces mix and mold a background

For all the faces I love and know so well,

And now I know more, know all about their desires,

Know their inner thoughts conveyed through aggression,

Know their fears conveyed through timidity,

The gathering grows second by second,

Bodies overflowing off the checkboard,

Engulfing the smoky greens of the tables,

Pressing less indulgent bodies against the bar,

The music boring into every head,

Voices lost in the unending storm,

All this scenery the backdrop for my passion,

Feet flying fluidly across the slick floors,

Arms moving in orchestrated motions of perfection,

All eyes wandering through the crowd focusing,

Then locking in a gravity pull to the dancer in the storm,

Spiraling bodies winding around again and again,

And at the eye the dancer,

The winding arms of the eye spreading everywhere,

The bass beats and the bodies scatter,

Then gather again as the melody unites,

Hours fly by in a tempest storm of movement,

Then a push through the overflow,

A fight to rise above the waters and escape,

The dull sounds pounding like a drum,

A headache that persists despite the medicine,

Then a break through the door to safety, peace,

A breath of air crystallizing in mid air

As I fall from grace and land on my knees, breathless.

Log in to write a note

I’m really glad you are doing well. How is the play going? I bet it is really cool having the lead part! Stay cool! :o)

hey glad to hear from you again! keep writing regularly, k?

hey that was awesome..makes me want to go out clubbin..but our id’s have the date we turn 18 on them so unless i want to get a fake one i kinda have to wait but hey it’s only a few months lol