With Me She Walks

With me she walks, though only a ghost,

Cold blue eyes when my skin burns red,

Warm soft greens when my heart grows cold,

But always beautiful, never less then perfect.

With me she laughs, though my words aren’t funny,

A voice that sings the melody of my mind,

A voice that sings the harmony of my heart,

But always true and everlasting,

With me she smiles, and never knows fear,

Though we talk from across the room I feel close,

And the halls full of chatter are silent to me,

But always I smile, and never she sees.

With me her hopes never fall into darkness,

What she loves, I love for the joy it instills,

What tasks I can do, I do without question,

For while she walks with me, even in dreams, I smile.

With me she walks, but only in mind,

Dreams and fantasies are all I have of her,

So let reality escape me if destiny turns away,

I’d rather live in lies then live a loveless day.

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well..if you’re living the lie of love isn’t that still loveless though you refuse to see it? lol..sorry..good poem:)