
I went to see scott yesterday at his house. It was kind of spur of the moment, like, i wanna come see you tomorrow. soo i went:~) Took me two hours to get there, but it wasnt as hard to find as i thought it would be. I feel bad making him drive alllll the way to see me all the time. He apologized for “my visit not being exciting” but i dont care, i just went to see him. Really didnt matter what we did to me..just as long as he was there. I stayed over night, he had to work overnight, he said i could stay at his house and sleep..but i went to work with him instead. He said he was surprised i went with i was a cranky mess by like..3am cause i couldnt sleep there, but like i said…idc i just wanted to see him. He got out of work at 7am..and we went home and slept..mmmm sleeeepppp. I got like three hours and then i had to get up and go home. :~( its nice waking up with him. Usually i am a picky sleeper..and cant sleep when theres someone else in my bed..but he doesnt bother me lol..maybe its cause i can usually use him as a big (heated!!) pillow:~) I think its cause i heart cuddling..always have..even when i was little, and sleeping with him is just..lovely:~) i love it like a fat kid loves cake! Unfortunately i had to leave this morning..and i cried..:~( I waited til i got in the car away from him, cause if i had started while i was still woulda been worse lol..i would have been a big snotty..sniffling mess. I don’t like leaving places//ppl that make me comfortable. Even when i come home for a weekend, and have to go back to school i wanna cry a little..still..and ive been going back and forth for a year and a half! I just dont like leaving ppl//places that make me comfortable..and vice versa. He is working his way into my comfort zone pretty well..clearly. and ps, it still boggles my mind how comfortable he makes me feel, after such a short amount of time. It confuses me a little. Usually my little wall would still be up right now. Granted im not completely open yet, but we’re getting there.

wellllll i am off to make a phone call to him ^^:~) then BED..three hours of sleep..and then working is a little rough….

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