Plum Tree

Yeah… missing in action.  Sorry about that.

My mom calls me up and says "David wants a Plum Tree for Christmas???"  "What is that?" "Some new Game??"(he sent his list to her via email)

I laugh.. (and cry a little at the sweetness of it all).  I tell her he has this enduring memory of hanging out over at Alex’s house 2 Falls ago when the Golden Plums were perfect ripe and they ate  to their hearts content.

He’s been sending me links to EBay and other Horticulture sites where they sell saplings.  I tell him to his dismay that getting a tree that small won’t produce fruit until he’s well moved out of my house.

My mother is now bound and determined to fulfill his Christmas wish.

Do you think there are any other boys in all of the world that have "Plum Tree" high on their Christmas list?

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We can only hope for a lot of other boys who want something so enduring and wonderful. 🙂

December 4, 2008

That’s a beautiful thing to want Sis!!! He’s such a sweetie. But where DO you find a Golden PLum tree mature enough to produce? Good luck!!!

December 4, 2008

How sweet! I love it!

December 4, 2008

I think it’s cool and very neat to see you r mom determination to make it so. nice to see you by the way.

December 5, 2008

No, I don’t think so, but I think that is a wonderful request:)

December 9, 2008

How lovely

December 15, 2008
December 18, 2008

That is the sweetest thing EVAR! I remember telling my mom that we should plant apricot trees in the backyard because I loved the ones at my aunt’s house so much. I cried when she told me that they wouldn’t produce fruit until they were about 7 years old.

January 5, 2009

So, did David get a plum tree for Christmas? I got my middle name from my Grandma who used to tell me she was named for the Queen of England. Go Steelers! Who else would you root for?