Son shine brightly
David is the first person to laugh. A Deep Joyful belly laugh. Even if you don’t find his object of joy as funny his laugh will most certainly infect you to at least chuckle. How is it so? More importantly, how did I get so lucky to have the son shine in my life?
I coughed the other night and being that I’m old now a fart slipped out. David laughes his belly laugh and exclaims "Good one Mom!".
Don’t turn your back because he’s a prankster to boot. Looking for that TV remote? You’d better check his hiding places. Thought you left your keys in a specific place? Swapped them with his Dad’s keys he did.
See a hurt animal? See him with his animals? See how he reacts to others that mistreated, ignored or abused an animal. I truly think one day he might be a veternarian.
He worries what you think. He worries that everyone is okay. He’ll cross that line or come out of his comfort zone to make sure that everyone else is where/how/what he thinks they should be.
He protects his lying teenage pain-in-the-butt big brother. Even when his big brother is mean to him.
Somehow all this gives me comfort and guides me in how I look at things and how I feel about stuff.
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Sounds like a wonderful, fun young fellow.
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RYN: Hi, thanks for your note. I have added you to my favs, so you should be able to read everything now. There are probably about 4 entries I’ve written since the “Public Announcement” one. thanks for your kindness. – elizabeth
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Sons are great. I’m so glad I have one.
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