The Perks of Being a Wallflower

"I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them." 

I just got done reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower for the second time. That line above is just one of my favorites that I picked out from the book. I suppose the first time I read it I was 21-ish. It’s been at the top of my favorites book since. It was really nice to reread it.

I relate to Charlie so much on so many levels. But after reading it again, I think I like it even more, and with more years of life under my belt, I think I appreciate it more, too.

Life is just a funny thing. I don’t know what made me read this book at first. I think was just on Amazon and it was a recommendation based off of another book I read, so I decided to give it a shot. I loved it. And it got me reading a ton of other great books, too. It even introduced me to one of my favorite bands now, The Smiths.

I guess that’s what’s funny. If it wasn’t for this book, I might not be listening to The Smiths, I might not have the record that I’m spinning now, I might now have gone to that Johnny Marr show I was at a few weeks ago. I might not have that funny story about the lady in the record store to tell people.

My best friend moved out over the weekend. He moved out of the apartment building we live in. It’s really more of a community than an apartment building. Everyone here are friends, well pretty much everyone. And me and this one friend moved here at the same time from different towns. And just this past weekend he moved into a new apartment with his girlfriend. I hope it works out for him. I really do, but I’m skeptical.

Anyway, it’s good to be alive.

Love Always,

Not Charlie


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December 10, 2013

I really like that quote. I will have to read that book when I get the opportunity. Thanks for the positive thought!