Seeking Opinions (Pot Related!)

I have a friend that has problems with being around pot. He’s a really good friend of mine, too. For awhile I was cool with it. A few times him and/or his wife came over and I respected that it bothered them. This friend of mine has said that if I did it around him, he would probably leave or not stick around for long.

I was cool with that for awhile. I figured I’d respect his wishes even if it meant compromising who I was. But last time he came over, I decided fuck that. I decided that it was my house and I was gonna do what I wanted. So, I went to take a hit and I told him that he was just gonna have to chill. I told him that the cops weren’t gonna show up. I assured him he’d be able to pass a drug test. I tried to put his mind at ease. He’s really sheltered, though. He lives his life by the book. He’s a stickler. He’s uptight. I could go on, but you get the idea.

As I took that first hit, I could feel the tension in the air, but I didn’t let up. I took a few more hits and that’s when he said it was starting to bother his throat and he said he was gonna go outside. I was like "Okay dude, whatever, your call." I smoked about half a bowl or so and I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t have the dude hanging in another room. So, I basically told him I was done, that he could calm down, and we’d go to the bar up the street.

Later that night I had a conversation with him about it. I brought it up. I wanted to have a man to man discussion about it. He basically said that he wasn’t gonna come over if I smoked. 

So, I’m kinda split. What do I do? Do I respect his wishes as a friend and not smoke? He’s really just being a pussy. I respect that he doesn’t want to partake, but his lame excuse about it bothering his throat? Please. 

I told him I would never light up in someone else’s house against their wishes, but when I’m at my place, I feel entitled to do what I feel. If I thought it was honestly harmful to him in anyway, I wouldn’t do it. But just cause someone smokes one bowl around you does not automatically make you smell like the stuff. Nor does it bother the throat of a person who’s not even smoking it.

And basically, he’s the only person I know that has a problem with it. I have some people who come over and don’t partake, but they have no problem with what I do. 

So, my choices are to stick to my guns, be myself, and smoke up – even though that means he won’t come over if that’s going down.

Or I can give into his childishness and allow him to dictate what I’m going to do in MY apartment. 

Now, granted, if my parents are over, I wouldn’t smoke in front of them, but we’re talking one of my best friends here. I expect him to be comfortable around me and be comfortable with who I am. Of all people, he should be willing to tolerate it. 



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Do you even know why he doesn’t like drugs? My uncle killled himself and it all started with drugs. So I’m not comfortable about it. If he started doing something you didn’t like around you, wouldn’t you want him to stop?

August 9, 2010

I’d respect his wishes and not do it while he’s around.

August 9, 2010

Two of my favorite things are smoking pot and giving opinions, so here I go! I have a slightly similar situation with my best friend, who is a recovered drug addict. However, she isn’t bothered by my smoking, and respects my right to do as I please in my home. In return, I respect her desire to not be around drugs, and I’ll usually take care not to smoke around her. I think it’s a fair deal.

August 9, 2010

If I’m expecting a visit from her, I’ll burn down before she arrives, and she’s totally cool with it. She doesn’t even complain about the smell, probably because I constantly have fans and A/C units circulating the air. This friend of yours seems a little uptight, though I’m sure he has his reasons. Is he the type who just doesn’t realize how essentially harmless weed is? Maybe a bad experience?

August 9, 2010

Whatever the reason, I’m sure there’s a compromise to be reached. I can see both sides of this situation, typical Libra…

August 9, 2010

I can’t stand being around smoke of any kind — cigarette, cigar, marijuana. If I was your friend, I simply wouldn’t come to your home anymore. You’re right, it is your place and if you choose to smoke pot in your home, that’s your call. But it seems really selfish to choose to do something you know will make your friend uncomfortable. If I were him, I would have left.

September 24, 2011

ummm…your house…your weed…your decision. I would NEVER expect to go into someone’s house and for them to not do something they enjoy b/c of me…that’s ridiculous. It’s weed for christ’s sake…if someone pulled out a needle and a heated a spoon w/ heroin on it in their OWN house I wouldn’t say ****.