Mike 2.0

 So this weekend was the big move. I packed my shit and moved out of the suburbs and into uptown New Orleans. So far, I’m loving it. From the minute I pulled the UHaul into driveway, I knew this was the place for me. There’s 4 apartments in the building. Only three of them are being rented out though. The other two guys are my age. 

When we pulled up, they were out in the front yard are setting up an above ground pool. That’s exactly the fun I need to be having. I love it. I honestly think I may have found one of the coolest buildings in the city to live in. They were having a huge party last night. I say they because the two dudes that rent the apartments out above me are apparently good friends and they were so before they even moved in here. 

So anyway, I’m exhausted from moving this weekend. I’m kinda pissed at a friend of mine for not even showing face this weekend to help with the move or anything. He was one of my two good friends that I had commit to helping me move and he totally dropped the ball. Not only did he not help me on Saturday when we did the bulk of the work, but because he dropped the ball Saturday, I asked if he’d be down with helping me on Sunday with a few things. I haven’t heard a lick from him. 

It just reassures me of what I already knew. The guy’s a flake. I don’t know why I ever did so much for the dude. Seriously. I would go to his band’s shows all the time – even when I didn’t feel like going. I would go just to give them an extra ticket sale and be a body in the crowd so that they could book more shows or whatever. Not only that, but when he needed someone to watch his cat, I was the first one to step up to the plate. I was only supposed to watch his cat for a few weeks. It’s been a few months at least. I don’t really mind helping, but at least show some respect. He’s done none of that.

So anyway, I’m exhausted and I’m actually sick as well. I’m just gonna close this out by saying this weekend has been a revelation of sorts. Moving is a big deal and when you do it, you find out who your true friends are. Only one of what I considered my close friends showed up to help. Another friend who I’ve known forever, but wouldn’t really consider a close friend helped. I could go on, but basically I learned a lot about who the important people in my life are right now and who I should be investing my time in. Fuck the rest of em. 

I’m going to bed. Hope this entry makes sense. I’m kinda scatterbrained and shooting from the hip on this one. 

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July 11, 2010

I’m glad you were able to make so many changes, though not all expected. Feel better and congratulations!!

July 11, 2010

Sounds like a pretty sweet place to have moved to. Moving definitely shows you who your true friends are – sometimes surprising.