
 I’m moving to the city! Last time I came here I was contemplating packing up most of my shit in storage, taking just what I needed with me, and renting a room in the city. I thought this would allow me to get a fresh start, save some money, and maybe decide where I wanted to go with my life.

But then it dawned on me that if I had the possibility to move anywhere in the world right now, it would be the city of New Orleans. Right now I live in a suburb of it.

I had been contemplating movie to the city for awhile now. I’d go look at apartments everyday. This past Saturday I went to look at two of them. I really liked the second on. Is it perfect? No. Are there things I don’t like about it? Yes. Could I have waited it out to see if maybe something better came available? Yes. 

But overall do I like it? Yes. It’s only $90 more than what I pay now. And it’s 1 bedrooms, not two. 

I’ll be living in Uptown New Orleans – right off of Magazine Street.

The scary thing is that I know this is a horrible idea financially. Some of this move, nay, most of it, will be going on my credit card. Is that smart? Hell no. Is it smart take on more bills now when I’m  having trouble paying the ones I have now? No.

But at this point in my life I’m not worried about doing what’s smart or responsible. I’ve decided that I only live once and it’s time to start living. I’m of the mind that things will work themselves out in the end.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not going into this without a plan. We’ve been promised raises at work. They’re supposed to come to us in September. They’re supposed to be substantial raises. I’m talking about 5k a year. That would definitely put me in a comfortable place.

I also have student loans coming in a few months. I hate using them for things other than tuition, but if I have to skim a little off the top to get by until our raises at work come, that’s what I’ll do. I’m also considering the option of looking for a better paying job if our raises don’t come at work.

Oh and I wrecked my car the other day. Funny thing – I wrecked it on the way to look at my new apartment for a second time. I was only two blocks away from it. The damage to my car isn’t bad. In fact, I’m probably gonna have to wait a few months to get it fixed since I don’t have the deductible money.

Alright. Signing off. OD logged me out and I lost the last few parts of my entry, so I’m just gonna closing out by saying I hope I’m not making a mistake in moving. I’m pretty excited, but this a risky move for me.


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June 24, 2010

good luck with the move. 🙂

June 25, 2010

hope the move goes well for u and makes u happy livin somewhere else. would be great knowing you could just go anywhere, wish i could lol.

June 25, 2010

I hate using cliches, but you only live once. Good luck on the move!

June 25, 2010

I think it’s a smashing idea. Yeah, it’ll be rough financially, but things have a way of working themselves out sometimes. 🙂 I say go for it. Best wishes.