digital portrait

Since I bought a lot of Adobe products about two years ago and then never touched them, I thought I should probably get some use out of the 2,000 dollars worth of software chilling on my computer.  So, I did my first digital painting.

I spent 8 straight hours on it the first day and then several hours over the course of the next several days.  I didn’t really keep track of total hours put into it but I’m guessing it took close to 20-30 hours.  Eventually, I stopped.  Not because I was done but because I wasn’t sure what else I could do to improve it.  I feel like I never finish a work because there’s always improvements to make but I’m not at the skill level I need to be to actually make those improvements so I usually just stop before I make it worse by trying to "fix" it.

Here’s the reference picture:

And here’s my "interpretation" of the picture.  I use the word "interpretation" as a way to say I can’t get the picture to look photo-realistic and this is the best I can do.  But this is my first digital painting/drawing in Photoshop and one of the first pieces of art I’ve done in around 3 years so I’m rusty.

If you stand back and squint, it doesn’t look too bad!  But the best part is I tweeted Sia the picture I created for her and she actually responded.  I fanboy-ed for a second but then regained my composure.  But how cool is that?  I know she’s not a huge mega celebrity but it’s not even about that.  I’ve been a fan of hers for years and some of my favorite songs in the world belong to her so just the fact that she, as a person and not a celebrity, acknowledged me is pretty awesome.


Working on the picture was fun.  In some ways it was relaxing the way drawing used to be for me.  In other ways, it was frustrating because I couldn’t get the tone of her skin or hair texture correct.  But maybe it doesn’t even have to be about all of that.  It’s just about creation, expression, admiration.

I want to do more.  I’m just not sure I have it in me.  I half-started another portrait and realized it didn’t look nearly as good as this one.  But I’m also a very impatient person and I expected the second portrait to look like this one in about ten minutes.  I just need to take it low and slow and stop expecting perfection.  I should expect relaxation.  I’ve got to remember that’s why I liked drawing in the first place.  Before my head and insecurities took over.

I also started a zombie picture before Sia but I never finished it.  It’s a bit more intensive.  Who knew glistening guts were so hard to paint?  Well, now I do.  Maybe I will finish it one day and share that one, too.

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February 22, 2013

It’s a beautiful picture.

February 22, 2013

You so totally don’t give yourself enough credit. I think it’s a beautiful representation… and apparently so does your muse! Very very cool. 🙂 Additionally, I think she may have done a song on the Six Feet Under soundtrack. If she is the musician I’m thinking of, that song gives me chills to this day.

February 22, 2013

I demand a creation of our zombie wedding. 😛

February 22, 2013

That’s pretty awesome. But then, I’d pee on her. r) NEW INTEREST? THIS IS AN OLD INTEREST. Cannigetsome pee pee? Cannigetsome poo poo?

February 22, 2013

And, Toy Godzilla threw up a farm all over her head. She should clean that up before they take another pic of her. Jus sayin.

February 22, 2013

Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this….AGAIN…but you are so fucking talented! Looks like I should expect some awesome illustrations with my kid’s book, right?

February 22, 2013

I think it looks very real and at first I couldn’t figure out why you were showing us the same picture twice. lol This is awesome Brannon. I hope you keep at it because I want to see so much more! You have me intrigued. 🙂

February 22, 2013

I think it’s pretty damn awesome!

February 22, 2013

That’s amazing Brannon!

February 22, 2013

looks good:)

February 22, 2013

R) That’s my kind of classy. Awesome. “Urine my dreams” says one commenter. hahaha

February 22, 2013

People like her make the strongest impact. Joss Whedon talked about how comedians make the best serious actors because they understand the importance of humor in all situations–even if they don’t portray it. It’s always struck a strong chord in me. Follow the humor and you find a self-aware person. Or, someone who has disregarded most of the fallacies of self-denial. THAT’S WHY I FOLLOW YOU!

February 23, 2013

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

February 23, 2013

Is that a bow-tie! That is awesome.

February 24, 2013

[R] YAY! ^_^ & I think I fixed it! 😀

It’s interesting that you painted those toys hanging off her hair: you painted someone else’s “sculptures.” And it’s good that you find some kind of creative work relaxing.

February 24, 2013

Wow… That’s breathtaking. Really.

February 25, 2013

Great picture. That’s awesome that Sia responded.