Slow Down and See The Big Picture

The last few years have been an absolute blur.  I started school, went through school, and finished it.  I was a great adventure and one I wouldn’t trade in the world.  However, it was so chaotic and stressful.  At the end of everything I had a new job close to my hometown exactly where I was working so hard to get.  In my excitement I packed up my stuff and moved away from the town I had just lived in for close to 20 years to move back to my home town that I had been away from for nearly 20 years. 

Now that things are slowing down a bit I have stepped back and finally looked at the big picture. 

My good friend and neighbor (in the town I just moved away from) Jo was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  When she told me she mouthed the words "stage 4" and couldn’t even say it out loud.  Today when I went to work on the house that I just moved out of I visted her.  She told me that sometiems she just stares out her window and looks at my darked windows and cries. 

I wish I could be there with her.  I wish I didn’t have to hurry and move away.  She has been such a great neighbor and friend.  My daughter calls her "Grandma Jo."  She misses my daughter so much.  I miss her so much.  Nearly every time I come to work on the house and we see each other we cry a little.  She’s such a great person.  Kind.  Funny.  Helpful.  Giving.  Loving.  It’s truly not fair that this is happening to her.  She walks every day with her dog.  She looks great.  But her spirit is a bit broken now.

All my neighbors were great.  I loved them all.  All 6 houses that surround mine were great people.  I will miss them all.  But, Grandma Jo has a special place in my heart. Anytime I visit Lansing she will be on the list.  Who knew I would gain such great friends just by moving into a house.

I have great faith and great hope Jo will make it through this.  I don’t know how. Somehow.


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